


I am trying to use IValidatableObject to validate form values with respect to each other. I would like to assign a ValidationResult to a specific field so I can display an error message next to that field.


For example, I may want to have users enter passwords twice, and have validation fail if the 2nd is not equal to the first, then have the error message display next to the second.

不过似乎我只能分配在模型级这样的错误;通过模型级我的意思是,将与 @ Html.ValidationSummary(真)显示一个错误,那就是不依赖于特定的模型字段。

However it seems I can only assign errors at the model-level this way; by model-level I mean an error that will display with @Html.ValidationSummary(true), and that isn't tied to a specific model field.

我检查的ValidationResult的声明,我没有看到,看起来这个帮助的任何属性或方法。所以 - ?任何人都可以或者告诉我一个方法,一个为ValidationResult从IValidateableObject的验证方法中分配给特定字段,或者确认它是不可能这样做的。

I've examined the declaration for ValidationResult, and I don't see any property or method that looks helpful for this. So -- can anyone either show me a way to assign a ValidationResult to a specific field from within a Validate method of an IValidateableObject, or confirm that it is NOT possible do so?

(注意:我不是在寻找一个解决方法请 - 没有对答案,例如,过滤器,是以密码例如照顾我只是想了解IValidateObject的极限,特别是知道的。)

(NOTE: I am NOT looking for a work-around. PLEASE -- no answers about, for example, filters that takes care of the password example. I only want to know specifically about the limits of IValidateObject.)



Is possible, ValidationResult has an overload that accept IEnumarable of string, properties to be associated.


        public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        if (Password != PasswordConfirmation)
            yield return new ValidationResult("Password confirmation must match", new[] { "PasswordConfirmation" });


09-05 21:15