;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Mx char-count-mode
(defvar char-count-p nil
(defvar char-count-this-command nil
这个局部变量设置在`post -command-hook`;而
(defvar char-count-overlay-list nil
(make-variable-buffer-local'char-count -overlay-list)
(defun char-count-post-command-hook()
(setq char-count-this-command this -command)
(defun character-count-window-scroll-functions(win _start)
(defun等于包含属性 - 删除覆盖(请求结束名称val)
(when(and beg end name val)
(overlay-recenter end)
(dolist(o(overlay-in beg end))
(when(equal-includ-属性(overlay-get o name)val)
(delete-overlay o)))))
(defun character-count-function()
Doc-string for字符计数功能
(window-live-p (get-buffer-window(current-buffer)))
(get-buffer-window (当前缓冲区)(选择框))t))
(let *(
(window-start(window-start selected-window))
(window-end(window-end selected-window t)))
(goto-char window-end)
(而t $ b $) b(当计数器
(re-search-backward\window-start t))
(setq counter t))
let *(
(raw-char-count(abs( - peol pbol)))
`((空格:对齐到1) )))
(propertize(number-to-string raw-char-count)
'face'(:backgroundgray50:foregroundblack ))
`((space:width 1))) b $ b(双垫片
`((space:width 2))))
raw-char-count 100)
(> raw-char-count 9))
(concat one-spacer colored-char-count)
((< raw-char-计数10)
(concat two-spacer color-char-count))
(t colored-char-count)))
(ov-string(concat starting-column final-char-计数两个间隔符)))
(push ov-string char-count-overlay-list)
(overlay-put(make-overlay pbol pbol)'before-string ov-string)
(when(< = pbol window-start)
(throw'done nil)))))
(setq char-count-p t)))
(setq char-count -this-command nil)))
(defun remove-char-count-overlays()
(setq char-count-overlay-list
(remove-duplicates char-count-overlay-list
:test(lambda(xy)(或(null y)(equal-including-properties xy) ))
:from-e nd t))
(等于包含属性 - 删除覆盖(point-min)(point-max) )
(setq char-count-p nil)))
(defun turn-off-char-count-mode()
(char-count-mode -1 )
(define-minor-mode char-count-mode
:keymap nil
:group nil
(setq scroll-conservatively 101)
(add-hook'post-command-hook'char-count-post-command-hook tt)
'character-count-window-scroll-functions tt)
(add-hook'change-major-mode-hook'turn-off-char-count-mode nil t)
(消息Turned ON`char-count-mode`。))
(remove-ho ok'post-command-hook'char-count-post-command-hook t)
'character-count-window-scroll-functions t)
(remove-hook'change-major-mode-hook'off-char-count-mode t)
(messageTurned OFF`char-count-mode`。))))
;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I'm writing a minor mode for emacs which, at the very least, will calculate a numeric value for each line in a buffer. I want to display this visually, preferable neatly before each line.
I know some minor modes draw to the fringe, and I know overlays are an option too (are these related?), but I can't find a good example of what I want anywhere.
Basically, I want to have something like the line numbers from linum-mode, but they will need to change every time the buffer is modified (actually, only whenever the line they're on changes). Something like a character counter for each line would be a good example. And I'd like it to not break linum-mode, but not depend on it, etc, if possible.
;; M-x char-count-mode
(defvar char-count-p nil
"When `char-count-p` is non-`nil`, the overlays are present.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'char-count-p)
(defvar char-count-this-command nil
"This local variable is set within the `post-command-hook`; and,
is also used by the `window-scroll-functions` hook.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'char-count-this-command)
(defvar char-count-overlay-list nil
"List used to store overlays until they are removed.")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'char-count-overlay-list)
(defun char-count-post-command-hook ()
(setq char-count-this-command this-command)
(defun character-count-window-scroll-functions (win _start)
(defun equal-including-properties--remove-overlays (beg end name val)
"Remove the overlays using `equal`, instead of `eq`."
(when (and beg end name val)
(overlay-recenter end)
(dolist (o (overlays-in beg end))
(when (equal-including-properties (overlay-get o name) val)
(delete-overlay o)))))
(defun character-count-function ()
"Doc-string for the character-count-function."
(window-live-p (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)))
(not (minibufferp))
(pos-visible-in-window-p (point)
(get-buffer-window (current-buffer) (selected-frame)) t) )
(let* (
(selected-window (selected-window))
(window-start (window-start selected-window))
(window-end (window-end selected-window t)) )
(goto-char window-end)
(catch 'done
(while t
(when counter
(re-search-backward "\n" window-start t))
(when (not counter)
(setq counter t))
(let* (
(pbol (point-at-bol))
(peol (point-at-eol))
(raw-char-count (abs (- peol pbol)))
(propertize (char-to-string ?\uE001)
`((space :align-to 1) (space :width 0))))
(propertize (number-to-string raw-char-count)
'face '(:background "gray50" :foreground "black")))
(propertize (char-to-string ?\uE001)
`((space :width 1))))
(propertize (char-to-string ?\uE001)
`((space :width 2))))
(< raw-char-count 100)
(> raw-char-count 9))
(concat one-spacer colored-char-count))
((< raw-char-count 10)
(concat two-spacers colored-char-count))
(t colored-char-count)))
(ov-string (concat starting-column final-char-count two-spacers)) )
(push ov-string char-count-overlay-list)
(overlay-put (make-overlay pbol pbol) 'before-string ov-string)
(when (<= pbol window-start)
(throw 'done nil)) )))
(setq char-count-p t)))
(setq char-count-this-command nil) ))
(defun remove-char-count-overlays ()
(when char-count-p
(require 'cl)
(setq char-count-overlay-list
(remove-duplicates char-count-overlay-list
:test (lambda (x y) (or (null y) (equal-including-properties x y)))
:from-end t))
(dolist (description char-count-overlay-list)
(equal-including-properties--remove-overlays (point-min) (point-max) 'before-string description))
(setq char-count-p nil) ))
(defun turn-off-char-count-mode ()
(char-count-mode -1))
(define-minor-mode char-count-mode
"A minor-mode that places the character count at the beginning of the line."
:init-value nil
:lighter " Char-Count"
:keymap nil
:global nil
:group nil
(setq scroll-conservatively 101)
(add-hook 'post-command-hook 'char-count-post-command-hook t t)
(add-hook 'window-scroll-functions
'character-count-window-scroll-functions t t)
(add-hook 'change-major-mode-hook 'turn-off-char-count-mode nil t)
(message "Turned ON `char-count-mode`."))
(remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'char-count-post-command-hook t)
(remove-hook 'window-scroll-functions
'character-count-window-scroll-functions t)
(remove-hook 'change-major-mode-hook 'turn-off-char-count-mode t)
(kill-local-variable 'scroll-conservatively)
(message "Turned OFF `char-count-mode`.") )))
(provide 'char-count)