本文介绍了PHP 自动加载类不适用于命名空间的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已尝试编写以下代码,但无法弄清楚为什么在具有命名空间的 spl_autoload_register() 中找不到该类?

I have tried to write the following code but cannot figure out why it will not find the class in spl_autoload_register() with a namespace?



Autoloader.php 文件:


    require_once "src/$classname.php"; // NOT WORKING DYNAMICALLY

//    require_once "src/StringHelper.php"; // WORKING WHEN HARD CODED

$stringHelper1 = new test\StringHelper(); // Class with namespace defined
echo $stringHelper1->hello() . PHP_EOL; // returns text

src 文件夹中的 StringHelper.php:

<?php namespace test;

class StringHelper{

    function hello(){
        echo "hello from string helper";

如果这有所作为,我也会使用 XAMPP.

I am also using XAMPP if this make a difference.



As already pointed out in the comments, you'll need to strip everything besides the class name, like so:

$classname = substr($classname, strrpos($classname, "\\") + 1);


Within the context of your autoloading function:


    $classname = substr($classname, strrpos($classname, "\\") + 1);
    require_once "src/{$classname}.php";


Let's take this a step further by making use of the fact that an autoload function always receives the qualified namespace as opposed to, for example, the relative namespace:


namespace Acme;

$foo = new \Acme\Foo(); // Fully qualified namespace
$foo = new Acme\Foo();  // Qualified namespace
$foo = new Foo();       // Relative namespace

在所有三个实例中,我们的自动加载函数总是以 Acme\Foo 作为参数.考虑到这一点,实现将命名空间和任何子命名空间映射到文件系统路径的自动加载器策略相当容易 - 特别是如果我们包含顶级命名空间(Acme,在本例中)) 在文件系统层次结构中.

In all three instances, our autoload function is always given Acme\Foo as argument. With this in mind, it's fairly easy to implement an autoloader strategy that maps a namespace and any sub-namespaces to a file system path - especially if we include the top-level namespace (Acme, in this case) in the filesystem hierarchy.


For example, given these two classes within some project of ours...


namespace Acme;

class Foo {}

namespace Acme\Bar;

class Bar {}


...within this file system layout...

`-- library
    `-- Acme
        |-- Bar
        |   `-- Bar.php
        `-- Foo.php


...we could implement a simple mapping between a namespaced class and its physical location like so:


namespace Acme;

const LIBRARY_DIR = __DIR__.'/lib'; // Where our classes reside

 * Autoload classes within the current namespace
spl_autoload_register(function($qualified_class_name) {

    $filepath = str_replace(

        '\\', // Replace all namespace separators...
        '/',  // ...with their file system equivalents

    if (is_file($filepath)) {

        require_once $filepath;

new Foo();
new Bar\Bar();

另请注意,您可以注册多个自动加载函数,例如,处理不同物理位置的不同顶级命名空间.不过,在实际项目中,您可能想要熟悉 Composer 的自动加载机制:

Also note that you can register multiple autoloading functions, for example, to handle different top-level namespaces in different physical locations. In a real-word project, though, you might want to get yourself acquainted with Composer's autoloading mechanism:

在某些时候,您可能还想查看 PHP 的自动加载规范:

At some point, you might also want to have a look into PHP's autoloading specification:

这篇关于PHP 自动加载类不适用于命名空间的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-22 20:37