我需要一些有关各种移动开发架构和设计模式的链接,例如,在 iPhone 开发中使用了 MVC,与此类似,移动应用程序开发中使用的其他各种架构是什么.
I need some links on various mobile development architectures and design patterns, for example, in iPhone Development MVC is been used, same like this, what are the various other architectures which are being used in mobile application development.
命令、享元、抽象工厂、责任链、适配器等.移动应用程序开发与服务器和桌面应用程序开发(现在)没有太大区别.例如,如果您查看 可可基础指南第 4 章 你会注意到你所需要的只是学习 这些.
Command, Flyweight, Abstract Factory, Chain of Responsibility, Adapter and so on. Mobile application development is not very different from server and desktop application development (nowadays). For example, if you take a look at Cocoa Fundamentals Guide chapter 4 you will notice that all you need is to study these.