


Not quite sure that title explains it..

这是我的问题.我有一张代表产品的表.这些产品是按月订阅的一部分,这些产品组合在一个盒子中.在结账时,一些产品也可以作为插件"单独添加到订单中.例如,订阅 A 附带一个装有产品 1、2、3、3 的盒子,但您可以根据需要添加任意数量的额外 3 和 4,因为它们也是插件.

Here my problem. I have an table that represents products. These products are part of a monthly subscription that come grouped in a box. At checkout some of the products can also be added in individually to the order as "addons".Example, subscription A comes with a box with products 1,2,3,3 in it but you can add as many extra 3 and 4 as you like since they are also addons.

我表示这些数据的解决方案是有一个 products 表,然后是一个 products_addons 表,它只存储产品的 id.请参阅下面的布局.

My solutions for representing this data is to have a products table and then a products_addons table that just stores the id of the product. See the layout below.

id, name, price


这样我就可以加入表格并查看哪个产品也是插件,所以在我的 id 为 3 和 4 的示例产品将保存到 product_addons 表中.这似乎非常低效,我想知道是否有更好的方法去解决这个问题?我正在考虑 productsis_also_addon 中的 bool 字段,但这似乎也效率低下.

This way I can join the tables and see which product is also an addon, so inmy example products with id 3 and 4 would be saved into the product_addons table. This seems very inefficient and I'm wondering if there is a better wayto go about this? I was thinking about a bool field in the products table is_also_addon but this also seems inefficient.


这里是一个快速思考的内容,以及我在 该链接中的连接表.

Here is a quick take to ponder, as well as my write-up on Junction Tables in that link.

-- drop table products;
create table products
(   prodId int auto_increment primary key,  -- sku, code, whatever
    isAssembly int not null, -- bool, whatever, for quick retrieval of just them
    descr varchar(255) not null,
    price decimal(10,2) not null -- varies here over time, but not in orderLines (frozen there)

-- drop table assemblies;
create table assemblies
(   -- this assemblies table is to give a description, and to be one of the two anchors to the Junction table
    -- but Orders still emanate from the products table
    ashId int auto_increment primary key,   -- trying to keep the column name clean
    descr varchar(255) not null -- 'October Chocolate Package'

-- drop table orders;
create table orders
(   ordId int auto_increment primary key,
    ordDate datetime not null
    -- etc customer blah blah blah

-- drop table orderLines;
create table orderLines
(   id int auto_increment primary key,
    ordId int not null,
    prodId int not null,    -- a product. Period. Can be an assembled product or not
    seq int not null,
    qty int not null,
    price decimal(10,2) not null, -- the frozen price upon placing the order
    CONSTRAINT fk_ol_orders FOREIGN KEY (ordId) REFERENCES orders(ordId),
    CONSTRAINT fk_ol_products FOREIGN KEY (prodId) REFERENCES products(prodId)

-- drop table paJunction;
create table paJunction
(   -- product/assembly junction table
    -- one row here for each product that is in an assembly
    id int auto_increment primary key,
    prodId int not null,
    ashId int not null,
    qty int not null,   -- how many prods go in that assembly
    unique key(prodId,ashId),   -- no dupes allowed
    unique key(ashId,prodId),   -- no dupes allowed
    CONSTRAINT fk_paJ_products FOREIGN KEY (prodId) REFERENCES products(prodId),
    CONSTRAINT fk_paJ_assemblies FOREIGN KEY (ashId) REFERENCES assemblies(ashId)


It would give you great flexibility in having month-over-month tweaks to your packages (or assemblies) of the month with new assemblies created. And allowing for re-use of old ones you want to promote as oh so special again with minimal effort.



Allows the user to put whatever they want in the shopping cart.


I am sure sure the assemblies would need a visual for some people seeing this. I could put a few examples together.

主要要点是使用 Junction 表,并在产品表上订购.

The main takeaways are the use of Junction tables, and ordering out of on products table.


08-03 22:23