I have a method of a mocked object that can be called multiple times (think recursion). The method is defined like this:
public void doCommit() { }
In order to tell it to fail I use this convention:
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).when(mMockedObject).doCommit();
不过,这会使该方法在每次调用时都抛出此异常.例如,我怎样才能使它只在第一次和第三次被调用时抛出它?这意味着,例如,第二次和第四次它只是返回而不抛出异常.请注意,我不是 doCommit() 的作者,也没有可以更改的源代码.
This though, makes the method throw this exception EVERY time it is called. How can I make it so that it only, for example, throws it the first and third time it is called? Which means that, for example, the second and forth time it just returns without throwing an exception. Please note that I am not the author of doCommit(), nor do I have source code that I can change.
我想通了(Igor 提供了一些提示).这就是你存根连续的 void 方法调用的方式:
I figured it out (with some hints from Igor). This is how you stub consecutive void method calls:
doThrow(new RuntimeException()).doNothing().doThrow(...).doNothing().when(mMockedObject).doCommit();