


I have the following piece of code in thread A, which blocks using pthread_cond_wait()

if ( false == testCondition )


I have the following piece of code in thread B, which signals thread A

testCondition = true;


Provided there are no other threads, would it make any difference if pthread_cond_signal(&my_wait) is moved out of the critical section block as shown below ?

testCondition = true;



My recommendation is typically to keep the pthread_cond_signal() call inside the locked region, but probably not for the reasons you think.

在大多数情况下,是否在未锁定的情况下调用pthread_cond_signal()并不重要. Ben是正确的,如果有另一个线程正在等待,某些调度程序可能会在释放锁定时强制执行上下文切换,因此您的线程可能会在调用pthread_cond_signal()之前被切换掉.另一方面,某些调度程序会在您调用pthread_cond_signal()时立即运行等待线程,因此,如果您在持有锁的情况下调用它,等待线程将醒来然后立即返回睡眠状态(因为现在已被阻塞)互斥体),直到信令线程将其解锁.确切的行为是高度特定于实现的,并且可能会在操作系统版本之间发生变化,因此您不必依赖任何行为.

In most cases, it doesn't really matter whether you call pthread_cond_signal() with the lock held or not. Ben is right that some schedulers may force a context switch when the lock is released if there is another thread waiting, so your thread may get switched away before it can call pthread_cond_signal(). On the other hand, some schedulers will run the waiting thread as soon as you call pthread_cond_signal(), so if you call it with the lock held, the waiting thread will wake up and then go right back to sleep (because it's now blocked on the mutex) until the signaling thread unlocks it. The exact behavior is highly implementation-specific and may change between operating system versions, so it isn't anything you can rely on.


But, all of this looks past what should be your primary concern, which is the readability and correctness of your code. You're not likely to see any real-world performance benefit from this kind of micro-optimization (remember the first rule of optimization: profile first, optimize second). However, it's easier to think about the control flow if you know that the set of waiting threads can't change between the point where you set the condition and send the signal. Otherwise, you have to think about things like "what if thread A sets testCondition=TRUE and releases the lock, and then thread B runs and sees that testCondition is true, so it skips the pthread_cond_wait() and goes on to reset testCondition to FALSE, and then finally thread A runs and calls pthread_cond_signal(), which wakes up thread C because thread B wasn't actually waiting, but testCondition isn't true anymore". This is confusing and can lead to hard-to-diagnose race conditions in your code. For that reason, I think it's better to signal with the lock held; that way, you know that setting the condition and sending the signal are atomic with respect to each other.


On a related note, the way you are calling pthread_cond_wait() is incorrect. It's possible (although rare) for pthread_cond_wait() to return without the condition variable actually being signaled, and there are other cases (for example, the race I described above) where a signal could end up awakening a thread even though the condition isn't true. In order to be safe, you need to put the pthread_cond_wait() call inside a while() loop that tests the condition, so that you call back into pthread_cond_wait() if the condition isn't satisfied after you reacquire the lock. In your example it would look like this:

while ( false == testCondition ) {


(I also corrected what was probably a typo in your original example, which is the use of my_mutex for the pthread_cond_wait() call instead of my_lock.)


07-29 14:39