我认为这会是一个更加无缝的过程.我下载了 yelp api 示例(https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-api/tree/master/v2/ios) 并假设我可以构建和运行"并查看一个示例,其中包含在 buttonPressed 事件上发出的请求.
I thought this would have been a bit of a more seamless process. I downloaded the yelp api example (https://github.com/Yelp/yelp-api/tree/master/v2/ios) and assumed I could just 'build and run' and see an example with a request sent out on a buttonPressed event.
我一直在这里阅读:如何将 Yelp API 集成到iPhone 应用程序? 和其他在线位置,但在尝试集成基本测试时遇到大量错误.我已经注册了一个帐户,拥有一套 API v2 密钥.
I've been reading here: How to integrate Yelp APi in iPhone application? and other places online but am getting a ton of errors when trying to integrate a basic test. I've signed up for an account, have an API v2 set of keys.
许多错误似乎与 ARC 和 yelp api 试图显式自动释放其某些对象有关.
A lot of the errors seem to be related to the ARC and the yelp api trying to explicitly autorelease some of their objects.
If I put together something clean, I'll try to come back and post a link to a working, example
这篇关于将 Yelp API v2 集成到 iOS 7 应用程序中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!