


我正在尝试创建一个允许用户构建可排序的手风琴列表的网页。它需要一个可排序的手风琴小部件和一个带有表单的模态对话框。该对话框应提示用户输入手风琴(文本框)和内容(文本区域)的标题。然后,它应该使用标题和内容在手风琴列表的末尾添加项目。它需要两个按钮 - 一个用于添加项目,另一个用于指示构建列表的时间。

Does anyone know of some start up code to get this started? Thanks!

I am trying to create a web page that allows the user to build a sortable accordion list. It requires a sortable accordion widget and a modal dialog box with a form. The dialog box should prompt the user to enter a title for an accordion (text box) and the content (text area). It should then use the title and content to add an item at the end of the accordion list. It needs two buttons - one to add an item and one to indicate when they are done building the list.



08-30 15:08