


class profile::maven inherits profile::base {
  # Hiera
  $version = hiera('profile::maven::version', '3.2.1')
  $settings = hiera_hash('profile::maven::settings', undef)
  $environments = hiera_hash('profile::maven::environments', undef)

  # Dependencies
  require '::profile::java'

  # Modules
  class { '::maven::maven':
    version => $version,

  if ($settings) {
    create_resources('::maven::settings', $settings)

  if ($environments) {
    create_resources('::maven::environments', $environments)

class profile::java inherits profile::base {
  # Hiera
  $distribution = hiera('profile::java::distribution', 'jdk')
  $version = hiera('profile::java::version', 'present')

  # Modules
  class { '::java':
    distribution => $distribution,
    version      => $version,

  # Parameters
  $java_home = $::java::java_home

  file { 'profile-script:java.sh':
    ensure  => present,
    path    => '/etc/profile.d/java.sh',
    content => template('profile/java.sh.erb'),


我希望 profile::javaprofile::maven 执行之前已经完成.

I want that profile::java has completely finished before profile::maven is executed.

site.pp 如下所示,不应修改以符合 puppet 的角色配置文件方法(正在进行中):

The site.pplooks as follows and should not be modified in order to comply with puppet's role-profile approach later (work in progress):

node 'gamma.localdomain' {
  include 'profile::java'
  include 'profile::maven'

编译后脚本开始下载 maven 存档.为什么

After compilation the scripts starts with downloading the maven archive. Why does

require '::profile::java'


not ensure the execution order? Has someone an idea how to achieve the desired behavior?


我认为这里的问题在于 require profile::java 的范围是 profile::maven 类,所以在后一个类中声明的所有资源都依赖于profile::java.但是,这不会传播到 profile::maven 声明的类,例如 maven::maven.

I believe that the problem here is that the require profile::java is scoped to the profile::maven class, so all resources declared in the latter class depend on profile::java. However, this will not propagate to classes that profile::maven declares, such as maven::maven.


To achieve that, you can establish a dependency among those classes

include profile::java
include maven::maven

Class[profile::java] -> Class[maven::maven]


This can incur substantial complexity in the dependency graph, so be wary of that. This can be avoided using the Anchor Pattern.

请注意,不建议使用 require 函数,因为可能存在依赖循环问题.


05-27 20:28