


I have a application for WP7 and Android, and this application must have supporthas support for "any" connection type (WiFi, NFC, Bluetooth etc)

然后,我使用MVVMCross https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross 创建了分层模型

I have then created a layered model with MVVMCross https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross


I have an interface for example Android Bluetooth must implement

interface IConnectionService
    List<TargetDevice> FindDevices();
    void Connect(TargetDevice targetDevice);
    void Disconnect();
    byte[] Read();
    void Write(byte[] command);


I want to be able to request the user for Bluetooth Access, but I do not want to program my UI specifically to Android Bluetooth, so the view and view-model should not know which intent is used, all this should be handled by the class implementing IConnectionService

问题在于它也可以在不使用意图的Windows Phone上使用,它使用任务,因此如何创建一个界面,使我可以发出意图请求或任务请求,而无需任何人知道哪种类型的需要请求吗?

The issue is that it should also work for Windows Phone which do not use intents, it uses tasks, so how do I make an interface that allows me to make either a Intent request or a task request without anyone knowing what type of request is needed?



This is similar to the way MvvmCross allows users to make phone calls.



The ViewModel code consumes a platform independent service via an interface - e.g.:

public interface IMvxPhoneCallTask
    void MakePhoneCall(string name, string number);


    protected void MakePhoneCall(string name, string number)
        var task = this.GetService<IMvxPhoneCallTask>();
        task.MakePhoneCall(name, number);



The app setup code injects the platform specific implementation for the interface - e.g:

        RegisterServiceType<IMvxPhoneCallTask, MvxPhoneCallTask>();

在WP7中-使用PhoneCallTask- https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/master/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/WindowsPhone/Platform/Tasks/MvxPhoneCallTask​​.cs

public class MvxPhoneCallTask : MvxWindowsPhoneTask, IMvxPhoneCallTask
    #region IMvxPhoneCallTask Members    

    public void MakePhoneCall(string name, string number)
        var pct = new PhoneCallTask {DisplayName = name, PhoneNumber = number};


在Droid中-使用ActionDial Intent- https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/master/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/Android/Platform/Tasks/MvxPhoneCallTask​​.cs

In Droid - it uses the ActionDial Intent - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/master/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/Android/Platform/Tasks/MvxPhoneCallTask.cs

public class MvxPhoneCallTask : MvxAndroidTask, IMvxPhoneCallTask
    #region IMvxPhoneCallTask Members

    public void MakePhoneCall(string name, string number)
        var phoneNumber = PhoneNumberUtils.FormatNumber(number);
        var newIntent = new Intent(Intent.ActionDial, Uri.Parse("tel:" + phoneNumber));


接触-它仅使用Urls- https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/master/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/Touch/Platform/Tasks/MvxPhoneCallTask​​.cs

In Touch - it just uses Urls - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/blob/master/Cirrious/Cirrious.MvvmCross/Touch/Platform/Tasks/MvxPhoneCallTask.cs

public class MvxPhoneCallTask : MvxTouchTask, IMvxPhoneCallTask
    #region IMvxPhoneCallTask Members

    public void MakePhoneCall(string name, string number)
        var url = new NSUrl("tel:" + number);


在mvvmcross的vnext版本中,使用插件进一步规范了此方法-请参见 http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/mvvm-mvvmcross-monodroid-monotouch-wp7.html

例如,在vNext中,上面的电话代码包含在PhoneCall插件中- https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/tree/vnext/Cirrious/Plugins/PhoneCall

For example, in vNext the phone call code above is contained in the PhoneCall plugin - https://github.com/slodge/MvvmCross/tree/vnext/Cirrious/Plugins/PhoneCall


One of the challenges of your task may be the word "any" - differences in platform implementation might make it hard to define a cross-platform interface that works across all the platforms for any one of NFC, Bluetooth, etc, let alone all of them.


10-28 22:28