本文介绍了ios 8 opengl es 1.1已停产?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们即将在iOS appstore上推出一个标题,我们最近发现它在iOS 8上无效。游戏加载到黑屏,但其他一切都有效(音乐可以是听说,它对触摸屏作出反应,显示屏上没有任何内容。)

We are about to launch a title on the iOS appstore, and we've just recently found that it does not work on iOS 8. The game loads to a black screen, however everything else apepars to be working (music can be heard, it reacts to touchscreen, just nothing on the display).

我们的引擎很老,使用的是OpenGL ES 1.1。我现在确信这是问题,因为我已经尝试了另一个(旧的)教程,它呈现黑屏。

Our engine is quite old and uses OpenGL ES 1.1. I'm now convinced this is the issue, as I've tried another (old) tutorial that renders a black screen.


I've looked online for any sort of discussion about this, but can't seem to find anything. Does anyone have any 1.1 apps out there that they can confirm have either stopped working, or do work?

我现在正在考虑将引擎更新为2.0的任务考虑到项目的规模,这是一个不小的壮举,而且我们很快就会推出。 Apple没有说什么就放弃对1.1的支持是没有意义的,所以我希望我错了。

I'm now looking at the task of updating the engine to 2.0, which is no small feat considering the size of the project, and the fact we're due to launch very shortly. It wouldn't make sense that Apple would just drop support for 1.1 without saying anything, so I'm hoping i'm mistaken in this.


我遇到了同样的问题。修复是 - 不是addSubview

I had the same problem. The fix was - NOT to addSubview

//[self.window addSubview:glView]; // this produces black screen on ios8 devices

[self setView: glView];


Another trick about ios8 is that for a landscape App this code

const CGRect r = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

返回横向屏幕尺寸。对于iOS< 8,它始终是纵向屏幕尺寸。所以现在我对X使用max(x,y),对Y使用min(x,y)。

returns landscape screen size. For iOS <8 it was always portrait screen size. So now I am using max(x,y) for X and min(x,y) for Y.

这篇关于ios 8 opengl es 1.1已停产?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 14:22