

当我从SQL Server中选择时,我想获取一个日期,但省略毫秒值,我希望它作为日期类型。所以如果我有一个值 1/1/2009 1:23:11.923 ,我想省略毫秒,但保留日期类型,因此它将是值 1/1/2009 1:23:11.000

When I select from SQL Server, I want to get a date, but omit the millisecond value, and I want it to be as a date type. So if I have a value 1/1/2009 1:23:11.923, I want to omit the millisecond but retain the date type, so that it will be the value 1/1/2009 1:23:11.000 (I know you really can't omit the millisecond value with a date, just want it to be zero).

在SQL Server中有这样的功能吗?还是我必须写我自己的功能?再次,我不希望它作为 varchar 类型,而是 datetime 类型。

Is there a function in SQL Server to do this? Or do I have to write my own function? Again, I don't want it as a varchar type, but a datetime type.



If you don't want to use string conversions, here's a solution:

DECLARE @TheDate datetime, @Today datetime
SET @TheDate = GetDate()

SET @Today = DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd, 0, @TheDate), 0)
SELECT DateAdd(s, DateDiff(s, @Today, @TheDate), @Today)


08-20 03:13