我正在用 PHP 为 twilio 编写代码,以便当我拨打我的 twilio 号码时,它会拨打另一个号码,当用户接电话时,它会使用该号码向他们读一条消息.
I am writing code in PHP for twilio to make it so that when I call my twilio number, it calls another number and when the user picks up it reads them a message using the say number.
我该怎么做?我找不到任何嵌套在拨号动词中的 say 动词的例子?
How can I do this? I can't find any example of a say verb nested into a dial verb?
我试过这个,但它不起作用,因为 say 动词只在用户挂断后激活,所以我需要以某种方式将 say 动词嵌套到拨号动词中.
I tried this but it does not work as the say verb only activates after the user hangs up so I need to somehow nest the say verb into the dial verb.
<Say>hello monkey</Say>
当通过 Dial
连接时,Twilio 会阻止执行更多动词,直到主叫方或被叫方挂断.
When connected via Dial
, Twilio blocks execution of further verbs until the caller or called party hangs up.
If you need a message played for the called party, you can wrap the phone number in a Number
noun and specify a url attribute:
<Number url="other-script">
The called party will then hear the results of the other script. During this time the caller will continue to hear ringing. Then, after the other script is complete, the two parties will be connected.
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