


As i have serch on google i am not sure that what things needed to implement APN in .NET server. In PHP server we create .PEM file but my .NET developer ask me for .P12 file so i am confuse.

正如来自 raywenderlich 建议为PHP服务器生成哪些内容是.PEM文件,但对于.NET生成什么?

As this nice Tutorial from raywenderlich suggest what thing need to generate for PHP server which is .PEM file but what for .NET?


AS this tutorial suggest I have

  • (开发人员证书的)CSR
  • 作为开发证书的p12文件(myapp.p12)的私钥
  • SSL证书aps_development.cer


And i want to send this app for adHoc distribution so Is my p12 file will be from distribution certificate?

还是我只需要给出.p12 file of my distribution certificatessl certificate?



I think you have all the things you need.

您已将aps_development.cer添加到keyChain Access中.这样会显示出来...

You have aps_development.cer add it in your keyChain Access. Which will display like this...


After that export this certificate in .p12 file



And than mac will ask your user password to verify


After you Do all this thing you got .p12 file of your SSL certificate. Now add this code to your AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    // Let the device know we want to receive push notifications
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:
        (UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert)];

    return YES;

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)deviceToken
    NSLog(@"Dilip My token is: %@", deviceToken);
       //remember this token it will be used at server side

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError*)error
    NSLog(@"Dilip Failed to get token, error: %@", error);

现在您首先有两件事是certificate.p12文件,然后Device Token将其提供给您的.net开发人员,在您身边完成后,您会收到通知.

Now you have two thing first is certificate.p12 file and Device Token give it to your .net developer and you are done at your side you will get notification.


At server side This two link is really helpful to implement APN at server side.

链接1 链接2

是的,别忘了您从苹果获得的令牌将像这样显示<a3002e43 c1d2d80d 95b0a1a6 893b3f7c c410a489 747b933d 04551d68 688c6c65>,因此您必须删除空格和括号,使bcoz在我第一次实现该空间的APN bcoz时遇到问题,因为您的字符串必须看起来像这样a3002e43c1d2d80d95b0a1a6893b3f7cc410a489747b933d04551d68688c6c65.

And yes don't forget the token you get from apple will display like this <a3002e43 c1d2d80d 95b0a1a6 893b3f7c c410a489 747b933d 04551d68 688c6c65> so you have to remove space and bracket that bcoz i have a problem when i have implemented APN first time bcoz of this space your string must be look like this a3002e43c1d2d80d95b0a1a6893b3f7cc410a489747b933d04551d68688c6c65.


08-19 14:18