


I have two CSV files with 10 columns each where the first column is called the "Primary Key".


I need to use Python to find the common region between the two CSV files. For example, I should be able to detect that rows 27-45 in CSV1 is equal to rows 125-145 in CSV2 and so on.


I am only comparing the Primary Key (Column One). The rest of the data is not considered for comparison. I need to extract these common regions in two separate CSV files (one for CSV1 and one for CSV2).


I have already parsed and stored the rows of the two CSV files in two 'list of lists', lstCAN_LOG_TABLE and lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE, so the problem reduces down to comparing these two list of lists.


I am currently assuming is that if there are 10 subsequent matches (MAX_COMMON_THRESHOLD), I have reached the beginning of a common region. I must not log single rows (comparing to true) because there would be regions equal (As per primary key) and those regions I need to identify.

for index in range(len(lstCAN_LOG_TABLE)):
    for l_index in range(len(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE)):
        if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[l_index][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[index][1]):  #Consider for comparison only CAN IDs
            index_can_log = index                                           #Position where CAN Log is to be compared
            index_shadow_log = l_index                                      #Position from where CAN Shadow Log is to be considered
            start = index_shadow_log
            if((index_shadow_log + MAX_COMMON_THRESHOLD) <= (input_file_two_row_count-1)):
                end = index_shadow_log + MAX_COMMON_THRESHOLD
                end = (index_shadow_log) + ((input_file_two_row_count-1) - (index_shadow_log))
            can_index = index
            bPreScreened = 1
            for num in range(start,end):
                if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[num][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[can_index][1]):
                    if((can_index + 1) < (input_file_one_row_count-1)):
                        can_index = can_index + 1
                    bPreScreened = 0
                    print("No Match")
            #we might have found start of common region
            if(bPreScreened == 1):
                print("Start={0} End={1} can_index={2}".format(start,end,can_index))
                for number in range(start,end):
                    if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[number][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[index][1]):
                        if((index + 1) < (input_file_one_row_count-1)):
                            index = index + 1
                            print("\nCommon Region in Two CSVs identifed and recorded\n")
print("\nCommon Region in Two CSVs identifed and recorded\n")


I am getting strange output. Even the first CSV file has only 1880 Rows but in the common region CSV for the first CSV I am getting many more entries. I am not getting desired output.



216 0.000238225 F4  41  C0  FB  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
109 0.0002256   15  8B  31  0   8   43  58  0   HS CAN
216 0.000238025 FB  47  C6  1   28  0   0   0   MS CAN
340 0.000240175 0A  18  0   C2  0   0   6F  FF  MS CAN
216 0.000240225 24  70  EF  28  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 2B  77  F7  2F  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.0002278   31  7D  FD  35  28  0   0   0   MS CAN


216 0.0002361   0F  5C  DB  14  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 16  63  E2  1B  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
109 0.0001412   16  A3  31  0   8   63  58  0   HS CAN
216 0.000234075 1C  6A  E9  22  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
40A 0.000259925 C1  1   46  54  30  44  47  36  HS CAN
4A  0.000565975 2   0   0   0   0   0   0   C0  MS CAN
340 0.000240175 0A  18  0   C2  0   0   6F  FF  MS CAN
216 0.000240225 24  70  EF  28  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 2B  77  F7  2F  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.0002278   31  7D  FD  35  28  0   0   0   MS CAN


340 0.000240175 0A  18  0   C2  0   0   6F  FF  MS CAN
216 0.000240225 24  70  EF  28  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 2B  77  F7  2F  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.0002278   31  7D  FD  35  28  0   0   0   MS CAN


340 0.000240175 0A  18  0   C2  0   0   6F  FF  MS CAN
216 0.000240225 24  70  EF  28  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 2B  77  F7  2F  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.0002278   31  7D  FD  35  28  0   0   0   MS CAN


340 0.000240175 0A  18  0   C2  0   0   6F  FF  MS CAN
216 0.000240225 24  70  EF  28  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.000236225 2B  77  F7  2F  28  0   0   0   MS CAN
216 0.0002278   31  7D  FD  35  28  0   0   0   MS CAN



学习: 在Python FOR中无法在运行时更改循环索引

print("Number of Entries CAN LOG={0}".format(len(lstCAN_LOG_TABLE)))
print("Number of Entries SHADOW LOG={0}".format(len(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE)))
index = 0
while(index < (input_file_one_row_count - 1)):
    l_index = 0
    while(l_index < (input_file_two_row_count - 1)):
        if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[l_index][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[index][1]):  #Consider for comparison only CAN IDs
            index_can_log = index                                           #Position where CAN Log is to be compared
            index_shadow_log = l_index                                      #Position from where CAN Shadow Log is to be considered
            start = index_shadow_log
            can_index = index
            if((index_shadow_log + MAX_COMMON_THRESHOLD) <= (input_file_two_row_count-1)):
                end = index_shadow_log + MAX_COMMON_THRESHOLD
                end = (index_shadow_log) + ((input_file_two_row_count-1) - (index_shadow_log))
            bPreScreened = 1
            for num in range(start,end):
                if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[num][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[can_index][1]):
                    if((can_index + 1) < (input_file_one_row_count-1)):
                        can_index = can_index + 1
                    bPreScreened = 0
            #we might have found start of common region
            if(bPreScreened == 1):
                print("Shadow Start={0} Shadow End={1} CAN INDEX={2}".format(start,end,index))
                for number in range(start,end):
                    if(lstSHADOW_LOG_TABLE[number][1] == lstCAN_LOG_TABLE[index][1]):
                        if((index + 1) < (input_file_one_row_count-1)):
                            index = index + 1
                        if((l_index + 1) < (input_file_two_row_count-1)):
                            l_index = l_index + 1
                            print("\nCommon Region in Two CSVs identifed and recorded\n")
                l_index = l_index + 1
            l_index = l_index + 1
    index = index + 1
print("\nCommon Region in Two CSVs identifed and recorded\n")



index is the iterator in your for loop. Should you changed it inside the loop, it will be reassigned after each iteration.

说,在for循环中的index = 5index += 1被执行3次时.现在index = 8.但是,在此迭代结束之后,当您的代码返回到for时,索引将被分配给index x = 6.

Say, when index = 5 in your for loop, and index += 1 was execute 3 times. Now index = 8. But after this iteration ends, when your code go back to for, index will be assigned to index x = 6.


for index in range(0,5):
    print 'iterator:', index
    index = index + 2
    print 'index:', index


iterator: 0
index: 2
iterator: 1
index: 3
iterator: 2
index: 4
iterator: 3
index: 5
iterator: 4
index: 6


To fix this issue, you might want to change your for loop to while loop


If I didn't understand wrong, you were trying to find 'same' columns in two files and store them.If this is the case, actually your work can be done easily by using following code:

import csv # import csv module to read csv files

file1 = 'csv1.csv' # input file 1
file2 = 'csv2.csv' # input file 2
outfile = 'csv3.csv' # only have one output file since two output files will be the same

read1 = csv.reader(open(file1, 'r')) # read input file 1
write = csv.writer(open(outfile, 'w')) # write to output file

# for each row in input file 1, compare it with each row in input file 2
# if they are the same, write that row into output file
for row1 in read1:
    read2 = csv.reader(open(file2, 'r'))
    for row2 in read2:
        if row1 == row2:



08-04 07:54