

例如,我有 libprofiler.so 文件。如何获得这样的共享对象的名称:

For example, I have libprofiler.so file. How can I get name of this shared object like this:

getname /usr/lib/libprofiler.so

我想这样做是因为 CMakeLists.txt 是必需的在

I want to do it because it is required for CMakeLists.txt in

target_link_libraries(MyProject name_of_library)



Do the following steps to link an existing lib to your target:

  1. 通知您您需要哪个库:此处为探查器。

  2. 构建库的名称。 CMake并不需要这个,但是值得一提:Unix / Linux上的示例lib + NAME + [.so | .a] [VERSION]。此处: libprofiler.so

  3. 在您的CMakeLists.txt中:

  1. Inform you which lib do you need: here profiler.
  2. Build the name of the lib. CMake does not really needs this but it is worth to know: Example on Unix/Linux lib + NAME + [.so|.a] [VERSION]. Here: libprofiler.so.
  3. In your CMakeLists.txt:

find_library(LIB_PROFILER NAMES profiler libprofiler.so libprofiler.so.V123)
add_executable(MyApp ${SOURCES})
target_link_libraries(MyApp ${LIB_PROFILER})

上面的代码尝试找到一个lib并检查以下名称分析器 libprofiler.so libprofiler.so.V123 。如果找到,变量 LIB_PROFILER 指向lib文件。

The code above tries to find a lib and checks the following name profiler, libprofiler.so and libprofiler.so.V123. If found, the variable LIB_PROFILER points to the lib file.Use the variable as one of the files linked to your target.

在代码中,您还错过了变量附近的 $ {}

In your code, you also missed the ${} around the variable.


07-18 12:30