It occurs mostly because of the iron-router package and few other packages which are using spark as dependency and first re-install the iron-router like belowmeteor remove iron-routerrm -rf packages/iron-routermrt updatemrt add iron-router只需重新安装 Iron-router 即可将您更新到新版本,并且它还会随 Iron-router(这是新的模板系统)自动安装 blaze-Layout.Just re-installing the iron-router will update you to the new version and also it installs blaze-Layout automatically with the iron-router(which is the new templating system).更新 Iron-router 后,即使现在出现 spark 未定义错误,请检查哪个包正在使用 spark 并更新这些包.After updating iron-router,Even now if you are getting spark is not defined error,check which package is using spark and update those packages too. 这篇关于Meteor 0.8.0、Iron Router 和 Discover Meteor的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!