本文介绍了如何在 Linux x86 NASM 中打印字符?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 NASM 打印单个字符或数字,目标是 x86 GNU/Linux 架构.

I'm trying to print a single character or a number using NASM, targeting an x86 GNU/Linux architecture.


Here's the code I'm using:

section .text
    global _start


    ; Linux printing preparation
    mov eax,4
    mov ebx,1

    ; Print 'A' character
    mov ecx,'A'     ; ecx should contain the value to print
    mov edx,1       ; edx should contain how many characters to print
    int 80h

    ; System exit
    mov eax,1
    mov ebx,0
    int 80h


Running this code, however, prints nothing. What am I doing wrong?


ecx 应该包含一个指向字符缓冲区开始的指针.所以你必须在内存中有你的缓冲区.您可以执行以下操作:

ecx should contain a pointer to the start of your char buffer. So you have to have your buffer in memory. You can do the following:

; Print 'A' character
mov   eax, 4      ; __NR_write from asm/unistd_32.h (32-bit int 0x80 ABI)
mov   ebx, 1      ; stdout fileno

push  'A'
mov   ecx, esp    ; esp now points to your char
mov   edx, 1      ; edx should contain how many characters to print
int   80h         ; sys_write(1, "A", 1)

; return value in EAX = 1 (byte written), or error (-errno)

add   esp, 4      ; restore esp if necessary

如果可以覆盖堆栈中的任何内容,您可以移动字节 [esp]、'A' 或任何其他地址.

You can mov byte [esp], 'A' or whatever other address if it's OK to overwrite whatever is on the stack.

或者你可以在 section .rodata 中有一个字符数组,而不是即时存储.

Or you can have a character array in section .rodata instead of storing on the fly.

制作一个write()系统使用 const void *buf arg 调用 是一些小数字(如 'A')将使其返回 -EFAULT 而没有打印任何东西.无论如何,内核必须检查指针,系统调用返回错误而不是在错误指针上引发 SIGSEGV.

Making a write() system call with the const void *buf arg being some small number (like 'A') will make it return -EFAULT without printing anything. The kernel has to check the pointer anyway, and system calls return an error instead of raising SIGSEGV on bad pointers.

使用 strace ./my_program 来跟踪您实际进行的系统调用,包括解码返回值.

Use strace ./my_program to trace the system calls you actually made, including decoding the return values.

这篇关于如何在 Linux x86 NASM 中打印字符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 10:40