


dictionary = {
  'key1': {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 10},
  'key2': {'d': 1, 'e': 1, 'c': 11},
  'key3': {'d': 2, 'b': 1, 'g': 12}}

list1 = (a,b,c)


What I want to do is run a loop that finds the maximums of all the items in the list and returns the key. So for example, the maximum of 'c' would return 'key2', the maximum of 'b' would return 'key1', etc.

到目前为止, / p>

So far I have

for value in list1:
     m = max(dictionary, key=lambda v: dictionary[v][value])
     print(m + "\n")


But this only works if the same subkey exists in all keys in the dictionary. Any ideas on what to do?


使用 float(' - inf')当键丢失时:

m = max(dictionary, key=lambda v: dictionary[v].get(value, float('-inf')))


Negative infinity is guaranteed to be smaller than any existing value in the dictionaries, ensuring that nested dictionaries with the specific key missing are ignored.


>>> dictionary = {
...   'key1': {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 10},
...   'key2': {'d': 1, 'e': 1, 'c': 11},
...   'key3': {'d': 2, 'b': 1, 'g': 12}}
>>> list1 = ('a', 'b', 'c')
>>> for value in list1:
...      print(value, max(dictionary, key=lambda v: dictionary[v].get(value, float('-inf'))))
a key1
b key1
c key2


However, it'll be more efficient if you looped over all your dictionary values just once instead:

maximi = dict.fromkeys(list1, (None, float('-inf')))

for key, nested in dictionary.items():
    for k in nested.keys() & maximi:  # intersection of keys
        if maximi[k][0] is None or dictionary[maximi[k][0]][k] < nested[k]:
            maximi[k] = (key, nested[k])

for value in list1:
    print(value, maximi[value][0])

这是假设你使用的是Python 3;在Python 2中,将 .items()替换为 .iteritems() .keys ) .viewkeys()

That's presuming you are using Python 3; in Python 2, replace .items() with .iteritems() and .keys() with .viewkeys().


>>> maximi = dict.fromkeys(list1, (None, float('-inf')))
>>> for key, nested in dictionary.items():
...     for k in nested.keys() & maximi:  # intersection of keys
...         if maximi[k][0] is None or dictionary[maximi[k][0]][k] < nested[k]:
...             maximi[k] = (key, nested[k])
>>> maximi
{'a': ('key1', 1), 'b': ('key1', 2), 'c': ('key2', 11)}
>>> for value in list1:
...     print(value, maximi[value][0])
a key1
b key1
c key2


07-22 14:42