


While trying to localize a SpriteKit game i suddenly started getting the error:


"Could not find a storyboard named 'Main' in bundle NSBundle"

我没有使用情节提要,并且我认为我刚开始开发游戏时实际上删除了该文件. 主情节提要文件基本名称"设置为主"(在工作时也已设置,并且没有情节提要).我删除了该条目,现在该程序仅执行AppDelegate文件,并且实际上停止了.在自动执行根视图控制器而现在不执行根视图控制器之前,缺少什么呢?

I wasn't use a storyboard, and i think i actually deleted the file when i first started developing the game. 'Main storyboard file base name' was set to 'Main' (was set before as well when it worked and there was no storyboard). I deleted that entry and now the program just executes the AppDelegate file and essentially stops. What's missing where before it would automatically execute the root view-controller and now it does not?


I've tried the following in the app delegate:

*self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]];
FirstViewController *First = = [[FirstViewController alloc]init];
[self.window setRootViewController: First];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];


but when it moves to the FirstViewController it crashes here:

SKView * skView = (SKView *)self.view;
skView.showsFPS = YES;


But before i never needed that first snip it of code to execute the root view controller. Any ideas what might have went wrong? It all started during a blur of Localizing, Cleaning, Changing Languages, deleting Localizable.string files, etc....



"... Cleaning..."


The SpriteKit app template includes a Main.storyboard & is used as the view that the GameScene is loaded into. It's quite possible that you removed it and went on working fine until cleaning the project much later; at least it's my experience that after removing a storyboard or other resource you really want to do a clean and a build right away to find out if you broke something, as they seem to end up in the generated bundle for a while after being deleted.


Your current code creates a FirstViewController, but I can't see if you handle all the layout properly in the init method, but since you're crashing, maybe not?


I like storyboards so if I were you I'd create a new spritekit game project so you can grab the Main.storyboard out of it, but if you'd really rather fix the code that you have I think we might need to see FirstViewController.m


Also, what message you get in the debugger when it crashes would probably be helpful to getting a better answer as well.


09-05 11:36