We are doing below process to do pair with BLE Device.
连接()+ discoverServices()+配对(绑定)。
Connect() + discoverServices() + Pairing(Bonding) .
Sometimes Android OS unpaired our BT device in a weird way, that is:
- ,而不发送广播通知,结合状态发生了变化
- 甚至系统蓝牙设置应用程序认为设备仍配对
- 仅限BT重启(通过设置应用程序关闭和打开)刷新状态,并显示设备没有配对不再
[下午6点19分28秒] Himen帕特尔:04-09 18:18:27.325:D / BluetoothGatt(8380):onCharacteristicWrite() - 设备= C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 UUID = 860b2c07 -e3c5-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66状态= 5
04-09 18:18:27.365:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 15
04-09 18:18:28.105:E / BelwithDeviceActor(8380):邦德状态改变:C2:69:E9:57:93:A4新状态:11 previous:10
[6:19:28 PM] Himen Patel: 04-09 18:18:27.325: D/BluetoothGatt(8380): onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 UUID=860b2c07-e3c5-11e2-a28f-0800200c9a66 Status=504-09 18:18:27.365: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 1504-09 18:18:28.105: E/BelwithDeviceActor(8380): Bond state changed for: C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 new state: 11 previous: 10
18 04-09:18:28.105:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 20
04-09 18:18:29.135:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 18
04-09 18:18:30.135:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 17
04-09 18:18:31.145:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 16
04-09 18:18:32.145:E / millisUntilFinished(8380):millisUntilFinished = 15
04-09 18:18:28.105: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 2004-09 18:18:29.135: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 1804-09 18:18:30.135: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 1704-09 18:18:31.145: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 1604-09 18:18:32.145: E/millisUntilFinished(8380): millisUntilFinished = 15
18 04-09:18:33.105:D / BluetoothGatt(8380):onCharacteristicWrite() - 设备= C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 UUID = 032a0000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000状态= 137
04-09 18:18:33.115:E / BelwithDeviceActor(8380):邦德状态改变:C2:69:E9:57:93:A4新状态:12 previous:11
04-09 18:18:33.105: D/BluetoothGatt(8380): onCharacteristicWrite() - Device=C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 UUID=032a0000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Status=13704-09 18:18:33.115: E/BelwithDeviceActor(8380): Bond state changed for: C2:69:E9:57:93:A4 new state: 12 previous: 11
18 04-09:18:33.115:我/的System.out(8380):unregisterReceiver真
04-09 18:18:33.115: I/System.out(8380): unregisterReceiver true
我们还可以得到ACT = android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED FLG = 0x4000010的即时事件在我们的应用程序。
we also get immediate event of act=android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED flg=0x4000010 in our APP.
如果我们重新启动BT使用系统设置应用程序或BluetoothAdapter ::禁用()和使能(),我们可以看到,我们未与设备配对。
what's important here, at this point we just lost pairing with the device and protected characteristics don't work for us any longer.if we restart bt using system settings app or BluetoothAdapter::disable() and enable() we can see that we are not paired with the device.
what's funny, without the bt restart, system settings app still thinks and shows that we are paired with the device.
使用的Nexus 4运行4.4.2,Nexus 5的运行4.4.2,甚至三星galaxy S4测试运行4.3。
tested with nexus 4 running 4.4.2, nexus 5 running 4.4.2 and even Samsung galaxy s4 running 4.3.
- 在解除配对应该有系统广播的情况下
- 系统preferences应用程序应该显示当前状态配对,即使没有BT重启
We have also Observed and get the sniffed data in which we found that our encryption is set to 0x000000 when our bonding is removed by OS in weird way.
I have no idea whether you still need help or whether you eventually solved your own problem (you know, since you did post this question back in April), but I wanted to go ahead and post the workaround I came up with because I know other people are having this problem.
使用的Nexus 7,我跑基本上你做了同样的测试,并得出了相同的结论:
Using a Nexus 7, I ran basically the same tests you did and came to the same conclusion:If the Android tablet and the remote device were already bonded, there was a high chance that calling BluetoothGatt.discoverServices() would both disconnect and unbond the tablet from the remote device. But, certain parts of the Android OS seemed completely oblivious to the unbonding; although the Broadcast Receiver you registered to listen for bonding changes was notified that the bond between the two devices had been broken, the rest of the Android OS considered the bond to still be intact. Since the OS considered the tablet and the remote device to be bonded, the tablet could not write to any of the encrypted descriptors on the remote device, giving a write status of 15 (GATT_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION) whenever a descriptor write was attempted.
The key is to unpair the Nexus and the remote device before they have the chance to unpair themselves in that weird way. What I do is check to see if the tablet and the remote device are bonded right before I start a Bluetooth Low Energy scan. If they are paired, I remove the bond using the function below and then start the scan. Unpairing the two devices programmatically ensures that the Android OS is aware that they are no longer bonded and, therefore, will go through the usual bonding process.
Below is the code is use to check to see if the remote device is paired with the tablet and unpair it if it is:
// Get the paired devices and put them in a Set
BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevices = mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices();
// Loop through the Set of paired devices, checking to see
// if one of the devices is the device you need to unpair
// from. I use the device name, but I'm sure you can find
// another way to determine whether or not its your device
// -- if you need to. :)
for (BluetoothDevice bt : pairedDevices) {
if (bt.getName().contains("String you know has to be in device name")) {
// Function to unpair from passed in device
private void unpairDevice(BluetoothDevice device) {
try {
Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("removeBond", (Class[]) null);
m.invoke(device, (Object[]) null);
} catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, e.getMessage()); }
As you have already pointed out in your question, restarting the Bluetooth after the tablet and the remote device mysteriously unbond from each other forces the Android OS to realize that it is no longer bonded to the remote deivce. This was the original workaround I used, but it soon became clear that there were two major problems that came with this "solution":
- 打开蓝牙和关闭将断开所有已连接到平板电脑的所有设备。
- 打开蓝牙和关闭浪费了许多
- Turning the Bluetooth on and off will disconnect all of the devices that were connected to the tablet.
- Turning the Bluetooth on and off wastes a lot of time.
I would only restart the Bluetooth as a last resort. For example, if the unbonding error still miraculously occurred, your only choice would be to restart the Bluetooth.