



服务器版本还成功执行了上述初始化值存在验证并在本地访问注册表,而客户端版本则无法成功执行初始化值存在验证.调试工作表明,在成功创建共享数据库的网络驱动器之后,CreateFile返回INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE以尝试使用成功打开同一文件的服务器版本相同的条件和参数来打开Prime文件.在Windows XP操作系统的我的电脑"中进行的快速检查表明存在预期的网络驱动器.使用由您的应用程序客户端版本创建的网络驱动器的图标,我成功访问了远程数据库并成功地打开了文件夹和文件,但是创建netwotk驱动器的应用程序的客户端版本却无法.



I have developed a windows application and I am using my own invented client/server achitecture. The sever version of my application creates initialization values and all neccessary files and folders at first lunch. Subsequently, it reads the initializationnvalus and reads and writes to files as neccessary as it carries out its function. One Prime File it creates at first lunch is an empty hidden file whose presence merely indicate that the initialization values of the application has been got and saved in the registry.

The client version of the application on the other hand, during it first lunch request for the neccessary informationn about the server computer. The server computer is the computer on which the server version is installed. It request for the sever computer''s name, the logon username and password to the server computer and the share name of the folder that holds the server versions database on the server computer. Then with these information the client version Creates a local network drive to the remote database using WNetAddconnection2, and then it verifies to see if the initialization values of the server version has been gotten by using CreateFile to open the Prime File. A successful open of the prime file indicates that initialization values have already been gotten. It then connects to the remote registry using RegconnectRegistry to copy the initialization values.

While the server version also carries out the said initialization values existence verification and access to registry locally successfully, the client version was unable to carry out the initialization values existence verification successfully. Debug efforts showed that after successfully creating a network drive to the shared database, CreateFile returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE for an attempt to open the Prime File using the same conditions and parameters hat the server versions used successfully to open the same file. a quick check at MY COMPUTER of my Windows XP operating System showed the existence of a the expected network drive. using the Icon of the network drive created by thee client version of the applixcation I succesfully accessed the remote database and successdfully openfolders and files, yet the client version of my application which created the netwotk drive could not.

Aside from the above, I observed that RgConnectRegistry also failed to connect to the remote registry key in spite of the fact that I had granted permission to the network to access HKEY_CURRENT_USER and the registry key in question.
Please why does RgConnectRegistry fail to connect to the remote registry?

The two applications(server and client) are identical apart from the fact that one acess a local folder while the other access the same folder as a local network drive. Please why cant CreateFile open the said network local drive. I really and urgently need to resovlve this problem. The project is time sensitive.



08-19 14:46