有什么方法可以在Oracle Apex中动态填充穿梭的左侧吗?
Is there any way to populate the left hand side of a shuttle dynamically in Oracle Apex ?
我编写了一个PL/SQL流程,该流程计算出我想在穿梭机左侧使用的值列表,但是我无法设法将其附加到列表中.演算基于班车之前的选择列表项 P1_MY_LIST
I wrote a PL/SQL process that calculates the list of values I want to use for the left side of my shuttle, but I can't manage to append it to it. The calculus is based on a select list item P1_MY_LIST
just before the shuttle. The process is triggered when a change happens on that select list.
现在我尝试了::P1_MY_SHUTTLE := list_of_values
For now I tried : :P1_MY_SHUTTLE := list_of_values
but it obviously populates the shuttle's right side.
有关如何操作的任何建议?我正在使用Apex 19.1
Any suggestion on how to do so ? I'm using Apex 19.1
so I played around with shuttles a bit and here is what I came up with.
var left = $("#P1_MY_SHUTTLE ")[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0]
var right = $("#P1_MY_SHUTTLE ")[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[2].children[0]
These two should mark out the left and right panes of the shuttle. Then what you need is
But you cannot just append 'Something'You could play around with this stuff some more and figure out how to correctly add it, it probably means creating a new var with the constructor or something, I dont know.
Which just moves the first element on the right side to the right. Meaning you can add stuff to the right and move it to the left.
You could also do some code that adds something to the right side, then go through all the options on the right and find which one you just added, and then move it to the left.
Obviously this isnt an elegant solution, hell it might not even work well. But its a start, so now that you have a start you can play around in the console some more and hopefully figure out a perfect solution for your problem.
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