

我创建了一个小WCF服务(托管在IIS),并使用Chrome浏览器利用它的WSDL,把在一个.wsdf文件,然后想用 SvcUtil工具test.wsdl 生成客户端代理出来的,但我得到这个错误:

I created a small WCF service (hosted in IIS) and used Chrome to take the wsdl of it, put that in a .wsdf file and then wanted to use svcutil test.wsdl to generate the client proxy out of it but I'm getting this error:

错误:无法导入WSDL:端口  详细信息:时出错导入WSDL:绑定的WSDL:端口是依赖  耳鼻喉科的。  XPath来WSDL:绑定://wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/  ] / WSDL:绑定[@名称='WSHttpBinding_IService1']  XPath来误差源://wsdl:definitions[@targetNamespace='http://tempuri.org/  ] / WSDL:服务[@名称='服务1'] / WSDL:端口[@名称='WSHttpBinding_IService1']


Anyone else encountered this and found a solution for it?


Update: as suggested by John Saunders, thanks for that, it works when I point it out directly to the url. However this is my little test case to see what svcutil can do as I expect the coming days to get a wsdl file from a 3rd party and might run into the same problem. As I took the most simplistic out of the box generated .svc I don't seem to be having include blocks.


如果WSDL中有它包含块 - 他们经常这样做WCF所产生的时候 - 那你再有可能只保存'主'的WSDL文件,而不是所有引用的文件。

If the wsdl has Include blocks in it - and they often do when generated by WCF - then you're likely only saving the 'main' wsdl file and not all the referenced files.


The result of this is that the main file won't make any sense. As John Saunders suggests, try giving the URL to svcutil.exe instead of saving the file.


08-04 12:02