


I was trying to run Meteor on my VPS and I was getting this error:

Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Unexpected mongo exit code 100. Restarting.
Can't start Mongo server.
MongoDB had an unspecified uncaught exception.
This can be caused by MongoDB being unable to write to a local database.
Check that you have permissions to write to .meteor/local. MongoDB does
not support filesystems like NFS that do not allow file locking.


I have figured out that the problem is in my user permissions or something like that. It works very smoothly when I try to run meteor with root access. If I try to run meteor with my "custom" user, it fails. Even though I grant him sudo privileges as listed on DigitalOcean. Why is it so? What is the problem behind?

我使用的是Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. Meteor是0.8.3版,我正在使用Meteor随附的MongoDB.我没有分开安装MongoDB.

I am on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS. Meteor is version 0.8.3 and I am using MongoDB coming with Meteor. I do not have seperated instalation of MongoDB.

更新:基本上我已经找到了问题,但是我现在仍然没有引起问题的原因.我正在使用DigitalOcean VPS.如果我通过SSH运行Meteor,它将失败.如果我在Web Console Access上运行Meteor,则可以使用.我不明白.

Update: Basicly I have found the problem but I still do not now what is causing the problem. I am on DigitalOcean VPS. If I run Meteor over SSH, it fails. If I run Meteor on web Console Access, it works. I do not get it.


答案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/15752736帮助我发现Mongo不想在没有正确设置区域设置的情况下启动.尝试在meteor命令之前运行export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"命令.

Answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/15752736 helped me to find out that Mongo doesn't want to start without properly set locale.Try to run export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" command before meteor command.


07-29 23:29