本文介绍了使用正则表达式替换匹配到位的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我试图做某种类型的字符串扩展,其中我用数据库中的字符串替换键。标记的格式为 {$< key>} 。I'm attempting to do a certain type of "string expansion", wherein I replace keys with strings from a database. The format of the tag is {$<key>}.我使用< regex> 尝试这样做,但我遇到一个后勤问题。我想能够在一次通过替换字符串,但修改字符串( s )可以使在 smatch 对象。I'm using <regex> to try and get this done but I've run into a bit of a logistical problem. I want to be able to replace the strings in one pass, but modifying the string (s) can invalidate the iterators found in the smatch objects.这或多或少是我想要做的:Here is more or less what I'm trying to do:#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <regex>using namespace std;int main(){ map<string, string> m; m.insert(make_pair("severity", "absolute")); m.insert(make_pair("experience", "nightmare")); string s = "This is an {$severity} {$experience}!"; static regex e("\\{\\$(.*?)\\}"); sregex_iterator next(s.begin(), s.end(), e); sregex_iterator end; for (; next != end; ++next) { auto m_itr = m.find(next->str(1)); if (m_itr == m.end()) { continue; } //TODO: replace expansion tags with strings somehow? cout << (*next).str(0) << ":" << m_itr->second << endl; }}所需的最终结果是 s 读数:The desired end result is that s reads:"This is an absolute nightmare!"我知道我可以在多个回合中执行这种类型的东西,但这似乎有点粗暴。I know that I could perform this type of thing in multiple passes, but that seems a bit brutish.我在某处读到 boost :: regex 有一些变化 regex_replace 允许在此形式的自定义替换函数:I read somewhere that boost::regex had some variation of regex_replace that allowed a custom replacement function in this form:regex_replace(std::string&, regex, std::string(const smatch&))但是,我当前的版本 )没有这样的东西。However, my current version (1.55) has no such thing.非常感谢任何帮助。我可以使用 boost 或 std ,这取决于哪个工作!P.S. I can use either boost or std for this, whichever works!推荐答案因此,除了我在8小时前所做的评论:So, in addition to the comment I made 8 hours ago:我看到了一个方法的余地。如果...您需要根据相同的文本模板进行许多替换,但使用不同的替换贴图?I saw room for one more approach. What if... you needed to do many many replacements based on the same text template, but using different replacement maps?由于我最近发现了 Boost ICL可用于映射输入字符串的区域Since I've recently discovered how Boost ICL can be useful in mapping regions of input strings, I wanted to do the same here.我做的东西很通用,并且使用了Spirit来做分析( study ):I made things pretty generic, and employed Spirit to do the analyis (study):template < typename InputRange, typename It = typename boost::range_iterator<InputRange const>::type, typename IntervalSet = boost::icl::interval_set<It> >IntervalSet study(InputRange const& input) { using std::begin; using std::end; It first(begin(input)), last(end(input)); using namespace boost::spirit::qi; using boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek; IntervalSet variables; parse(first, last, *seek [ raw [ "{$" >> +alnum >> "}" ] ], variables); return variables;}正如你所看到的,不是做任何替换, code> interval_set< It> ,所以我们知道我们的变量在哪里。这是现在的智慧,可以用于从替换字符串的映射执行替换:As you can see, instead of doing any replacements, we just return a interval_set<It> so we know where our variables are. This is now the "wisdom" that can be used to perform the replacements from a map of replacement strings:template < typename InputRange, typename Replacements, typename OutputIterator, typename StudyMap, typename It = typename boost::range_iterator<InputRange const>::type>OutputIterator perform_replacements(InputRange const& input, Replacements const& m, StudyMap const& wisdom, OutputIterator out){ using std::begin; using std::end; It current(begin(input)); for (auto& replace : wisdom) { It l(lower(replace)), u(upper(replace)); if (current < l) out = std::copy(current, l, out); auto match = m.find({l+2, u-1}); if (match == m.end()) out = std::copy(l, u, out); else out = std::copy(begin(match->second), end(match->second), out); current = u; } if (current!=end(input)) out = std::copy(current, end(input), out); return out;}现在,一个简单的测试程序将是这样:Now, a simple test program would be like this:int main(){ using namespace std; string const input = "This {$oops} is an {$severity} {$experience}!\n"; auto const wisdom = study(input); cout << "Wisdom: "; for(auto& entry : wisdom) cout << entry; auto m = map<string, string> { { "severity", "absolute" }, { "OOPS", "REALLY" }, { "experience", "nightmare" }, }; ostreambuf_iterator<char> out(cout); out = '\n'; perform_replacements(input, m, wisdom, out); // now let's use a case insensitive map, still with the same "study" map<string, string, ci_less> im { m.begin(), m.end() }; im["eXperience"] = "joy"; perform_replacements(input, im, wisdom, out);}列印Wisdom: {$oops}{$severity}{$experience}This {$oops} is an absolute nightmare!This REALLY is an absolute joy!您可以使用 unordered_map 替换等。你可以省略 wisdom ,在这种情况下,实现将在飞行中学习。You could call it for a input string literal, using an unordered_map for the replacements etc. You could omit the wisdom, in which case the implementation will study it on-the-fly. Live on ColiruLive On Coliru#include <iostream>#include <map>#include <boost/regex.hpp>#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>#include <boost/spirit/repository/include/qi_seek.hpp>namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace traits { template <typename It> struct assign_to_attribute_from_iterators<icl::discrete_interval<It>, It, void> { template <typename ... T> static void call(It b, It e, icl::discrete_interval<It>& out) { out = icl::discrete_interval<It>::right_open(b, e); } };} } }template < typename InputRange, typename It = typename boost::range_iterator<InputRange const>::type, typename IntervalSet = boost::icl::interval_set<It> >IntervalSet study(InputRange const& input) { using std::begin; using std::end; It first(begin(input)), last(end(input)); using namespace boost::spirit::qi; using boost::spirit::repository::qi::seek; IntervalSet variables; parse(first, last, *seek [ raw [ "{$" >> +alnum >> "}" ] ], variables); return variables;}template < typename InputRange, typename Replacements, typename OutputIterator, typename StudyMap, typename It = typename boost::range_iterator<InputRange const>::type>OutputIterator perform_replacements(InputRange const& input, Replacements const& m, StudyMap const& wisdom, OutputIterator out){ using std::begin; using std::end; It current(begin(input)); for (auto& replace : wisdom) { It l(lower(replace)), u(upper(replace)); if (current < l) out = std::copy(current, l, out); auto match = m.find({l+2, u-1}); if (match == m.end()) out = std::copy(l, u, out); else out = std::copy(begin(match->second), end(match->second), out); current = u; } if (current!=end(input)) out = std::copy(current, end(input), out); return out;}template < typename InputRange, typename Replacements, typename OutputIterator, typename It = typename boost::range_iterator<InputRange const>::type>OutputIterator perform_replacements(InputRange const& input, Replacements const& m, OutputIterator out) { return perform_replacements(input, m, study(input), out);}// for demo program#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>struct ci_less { template <typename S> bool operator() (S const& a, S const& b) const { return boost::lexicographical_compare(a, b, boost::is_iless()); }};namespace boost { namespace icl { template <typename It> static inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, discrete_interval<It> const& i) { return os << make_iterator_range(lower(i), upper(i)); }} }int main(){ using namespace std; string const input = "This {$oops} is an {$severity} {$experience}!\n"; auto const wisdom = study(input); cout << "Wisdom: "; for(auto& entry : wisdom) cout << entry; auto m = map<string, string> { { "severity", "absolute" }, { "OOPS", "REALLY" }, { "experience", "nightmare" }, }; ostreambuf_iterator<char> out(cout); out = '\n'; perform_replacements(input, m, wisdom, out); // now let's use a case insensitive map, still with the same "study" map<string, string, ci_less> im { m.begin(), m.end() }; im["eXperience"] = "joy"; perform_replacements(input, im, wisdom, out);} In-place操作 只要您确保替换字符串总是比 {$ pattern} 字符串(或等长)短,您可以简单地调用此函数 input.begin()作为输出迭代器。In - place operationAs long as you make sure that the replacements strings are always shorter than the {$pattern} strings (or equal length), you can simply call this function with input.begin() as the output iterator. Live on Colirustring input1 = "This {$803525c8-3ce4-423a-ad25-cc19bbe8422a} is an {$efa72abf-fe96-4983-b373-a35f70551e06} {$8a10abaa-cc0d-47bd-a8e1-34a8aa0ec1ef}!\n", input2 = input1;auto m = map<string, string> { { "efa72abf-fe96-4983-b373-a35f70551e06", "absolute" }, { "803525C8-3CE4-423A-AD25-CC19BBE8422A", "REALLY" }, { "8a10abaa-cc0d-47bd-a8e1-34a8aa0ec1ef", "nightmare" }, };input1.erase(perform_replacements(input1, m, input1.begin()), input1.end());map<string, string, ci_less> im { m.begin(), m.end() };im["8a10abaa-cc0d-47bd-a8e1-34a8aa0ec1ef"] = "joy";input2.erase(perform_replacements(input2, im, input2.begin()), input2.end());std::cout << input1 << input2;列印This {$803525c8-3ce4-423a-ad25-cc19bbe8422a} is an absolute nightmare!This REALLY is an absolute joy!注意,你可以(显然)不要在同一个输入模板上重复使用相同的因为它将被修改。Note that you can (obviously) not re-use the same "wisdom" on the same input template again because it will have been modified. 这篇关于使用正则表达式替换匹配到位的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
05-27 05:40