我正在尝试使用 phonegap 编写一个 Android 应用程序,我正在编写一个带有按钮的静态首页,在我引入 jQuery mobile 和 jQuery(它们作为外部文件链接)之前,它一直在工作.现在,它给了我这个错误信息(在它产生一个空白窗口 30 秒左右之后):
I'm trying to write an Android app with phonegap, and I'm writing a static front page with buttons, which was working until I introduced jQuery mobile and jQuery (which are linked as external files). Now, it gives me this error message (after it produces a blank window for 30 seconds or so):
Since the message flashes away, I cannot read anymore. Any help?
What exactly do you mean by "linked as external files"?
jQuery Mobile 和 jQuery 源要么需要位于 assets/www 目录中,要么链接到可访问的 CDN 站点上并启用无线或移动数据.
The jQuery Mobile and jQuery sources either need to be in the assets/www directory or linked to externally on an accessible cdn site with wireless or mobile data enabled.
此外,请参阅 Android 版 JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap - 错误加载 index.html - 在调用 super.loadUrl 之前在您的自定义活动文件中添加以下行: super.setIntegerProperty("loadUrlTimeoutValue", 60000);
Also, see JQuery Mobile + PhoneGap for Android - Error loading index.html - Within your custom Activity file before calling super.loadUrl add the following line: super.setIntegerProperty("loadUrlTimeoutValue", 60000);