



一切正常,我得到一个对话框,询问是否允许启用即时应用程序,然后单击我在".之后,我还可以看到在设置">"Google">"Instant Apps"中启用了即时应用.

Everything worked well, I got the dialog asking for permission to enable instant apps and clicked 'I'm in'. After that, I could also see that instant apps were enabled in Settings > Google > Instant Apps.

但是,当我打开浏览器时,运行搜索并单击来自已经发布了即时应用程序的网站(例如BuzzFeed,NY Times Crossword和Wish)的链接,它们只是打开常规网页.

But when I open my browser, run a search and click on links from websites that already have published instant apps, such as BuzzFeed, NY Times Crossword and Wish, they just open the regular web page.

我发现那些正在观看Google IO 16和17关于即时应用程序的演示的应用程序.我什至尝试了 https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasty 上的链接="https://youtu.be/9oaaecd7NpI?t=20" rel ="nofollow noreferrer">此主题演讲,无济于事.

I found out those apps watching Google IO 16 and 17 presentations about instant apps. I even tried the link https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasty, featured on this keynote, to no avail.

我怀疑是由于当前受支持的模拟器不内置Play Store.

I suspect that's due to the fact that the current supported emulator doesn't come with Play Store built-in.


I'm also in a country(Brazil) where Instant apps are not supported yet according to this list. But I'm not sure if that impacts on the emulator.


Does anyone know if those are indeed the reasons why I can't check out instant apps already published on Play Store?


由于巴西目前不在受Android Instant Apps支持的国家/地区列表中,因此该功能在实际设备上已关闭,但模拟器仍可用于Instant应用开发和测试.

Since Brazil is not currently in a list of Android Instant Apps supported countries, this feature is turned off on the real devices, but emulators can still be used for Instant Apps development and testing.

BuzzFeed之类的生产级应用程序只能通过Instant Apps在以下列表中的国家/地区启动: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/7381861#production .在所有其他国家/地区,将继续使用即时应用URL,例如 https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasty 无论您使用的是真实设备还是仿真器,都可以访问该网站.

Production level applications, like BuzzFeed, can be launched through Instant Apps only in countries from this list: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/7381861#production. In all other countries, Instant App URLs like https://www.buzzfeed.com/tasty will proceed to the website, regardless if you’re using a real device or an emulator.



09-07 15:14