我正在使用ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC模板,并且有几个问题:
I am using ASP.NET core 2.0 MVC template and have a couple of issues:
i)我使用以下数据库中给出的数据库优先方法通过脚手架生成了模型 MSDN文档.但是现在我添加了一个新表(Employees),并希望将该表作为模型.但是当我运行此命令时:
i)I generated the models by scaffolding using database first approach given inMSDN Documentation. But now I have added a new table (Employees) and wish to include that table as a model. But when I run this command :
Scaffold-DbContext "Server=server;Database=db;Trusted_Connection=True;"
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -Table Employees - Force
then it overwrites my previous dbcontext class(removes all previous models and adds only Employee in it).How can I add only model related to that new table only keeping the previous models as such.
ii)同样,如果修改了与之对应的表(使用sql server添加了新列),我也想不出如何更新现有模型的方法.早点上课.
ii)similarly I can't figure out the way how to update a existing model if the table corresponding to it is modified(added new columns using sql server).If I scaffold then it erases all the code written in that model class earlier.
I can't find out any proper documentation for database first approach apart from the MSDN one which doesn't deal with updating the models when underlying DB changes.
You must delete the first one model and create a new, re-scaldfold all that you need
delete Model.Context.tt, Model.tt, Model.edmx
delete Entities string from Web.config
Create the EDMX and Context files the same way you did for the first tim
as @Valuator that is for Code first method