


In the past, I have used Informatica for some ETL (Extraction Transformation Loading) but found it rather slow and usually replaced it with some PL/SQL scripts (was using Oracle at the time).


(questions revised based on feedback in answers)


I gather that DTS was Microsoft's ETL tool prior to SSIS.

  1. 使用DTS将现有应用程序转换为SSIS会很困难吗?
  2. 鉴于SSIS是Microsoft工具,并且与SQL Server紧密集成(实际上是SQL Server的一部分),使用它是否有任何弊端?我看不到任何效率问题,因为我想您可以在SSIS中做任何事情,而就ETL而言,您可以没有它.


我相信 SSIS 是当今的Microsoft ETL工具,代替了DTS.

I believe SSIS is Microsoft's ETL tool today, replacing DTS.


It's important to remember that ETL performance has as much to do with your schema and how you're doing the transfer as it does the tool. For example, if you've got indexes they'll run slower than if you do a bulk transfer and create the indexes after it's done. If you do a large batch all at once you're creating rollback logs that increase in size and slow the process down. It could be that smaller batches will run faster, because the rollback log doesn't have to be as big.


Don't give in to the knee-jerk reaction and blame the tool. Look critically at how you're doing it to make sure that you're not shooting yourself in the foot.


05-27 04:41