

我在窗口的文本框(名为TextBox1中)形成application.I有一个数据库nn.sdf命名,我想用这个作为自动complete.Whenever源的用户提供了一个输入TextBox1中,它会显示从数据库中建议,由用户给出的。所以我把我的code到 textBox1_TextChanged property.my code输入文本匹配的是在这里:

I have a textbox(named textbox1) in windows form application.I have a database named nn.sdf and i want to use this as a source of auto-complete.Whenever a user gives a input into textbox1,it will show a suggestion from the database, matching with the input text given by user .So i put my code into textBox1_TextChanged property.my code is here:

 private void textBox1_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        AutoCompleteStringCollection namesCollection = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
        SqlCeConnection con = new SqlCeConnection(@"Data Source=C:\Users\Imon-Bayazid\Documents\nn.sdf");
        SqlCeCommand cmnd = con.CreateCommand();
        cmnd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        cmnd.CommandText = "SELECT top(10)  english FROM dic";
        SqlCeDataReader dReader;
        dReader = cmnd.ExecuteReader();

        if (dReader.Read())
            while (dReader.Read())
            MessageBox.Show("Data not found");

        textBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
        textBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
        textBox1.AutoCompleteCustomSource = namesCollection;

但它只能显示前10 data.i知道我的线路问题。

But it shows only the first 10 data.i know i have problem in the line

  cmnd.CommandText = "SELECT top(10)  english FROM dic";// english is my column name and dic is my table name


I don't know what should be the cmnd.CommandText.I want the autosuggestion whenever a user input anything into the textbox1.How can i do this???


如你所知,的CommandText 应该(或可以)是一个SQL语句。请尝试以下

As you know, CommandText should (or could) be an SQL statement. Try the following

int fetchAmount = 10;
string userInput = "abc";
cmnd.CommandText = string.Format("SELECT top ({0}) english FROM dic WHERE english like '{1}%'",
    fetchAmount.ToString(), userInput);

LIKE 是比较文本SQL命令。所以你的情况,你希望所有的结果,其中文本与哪些用户已开始键入

LIKE is an SQL command that compares text. So in your case, you want all results where the text starts with what the user has typed in.


Now before someone gets on my case, I know this is not the best way to do this. Entering in values directly into a SQL statement leaves you wide open to SQL Injection. I would HIGHLY suggest that you learn and implement Stored Procedures to do any interactions with a database.


09-02 07:05