

我正在测试 sha1 和 md5 的几种组合:

i'm testing several combinations of sha1 and md5:

$test = 'fail test';
echo nl2br ("Text: $test\n");
echo nl2br ("md5: ".md5($test)."\nsha1: ".sha1($test)."\nsha1(md5): ".sha1(md5($test))."\nmd5(sha1): ".md5(sha1($test)));


Text: fail test
md5: 748410d0085967c496d54dd8fcbecc96
sha1: d730125e8cb8576459173655148fb6896ef44c09
sha1(md5): faa3ebeecfec45e509e93e6b245a69e2a78785ea
md5(sha1): b48e89b85c350c91eb302c1de96d4249


Which one better, or maybe user something else ? If yes, what then ?



Hashing a hash adds no extra security. (In fact, it might make it worse if the person has a hash-of-hash lookup table.)

最好的散列将是在没有任何漏洞的情况下执行计算成本最高的散列.我会用至少 sha-256 来散列密码.

The best hash will be the one that is computationally the most expensive to perform without any vulnerabilities. I would hash passwords with at least sha-256.


Always hash your passwords with a salted key. This key should be unique per password. It doesn't need to be stored privately. The purpose of a salted password is that the hacker who gained access to your database cannot simply compare the hash with a known list of hashes that correspond to common passwords. Instead, he must try to brute force the password by trying every possible password.


By using a unique salt per password, you guarantee that each hash in the database is different, even if they use the same password.

要为密码加盐,只需创建一个随机字符串并将其附加到密码中.这是一个带有 48 位盐和 sha-256 的示例哈希:

To salt a password, simply create a random string of characters and append it to the password. Here's a sample hash with a 48-bit salt and sha-256:

function make_password($password)
  # random 48-bit salt (8 chars when base64 encoded)
  $salt = base64_encode(pack('S3', mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0,0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));

  return $salt.hash('sha256', $salt.$password);

function check_password($password, $hash)
  $salt = substr($hash, 0, 8);
  return hash('sha256', $salt.$password) == substr($hash, 8);

$password = 'password';
$hash = make_password('password');

echo $hash."\n";

var_dump(check_password('password', $hash));
var_dump(check_password('wrong', $hash));

每次运行时,哈希值都会不同.要验证密码,请选择用户名匹配的行,然后调用 check_password($password_from_user, $hash_from_db).

Every time you run it, the hash will be different. To validate a password, you select the row where the username matches, and then call check_password($password_from_user, $hash_from_db).




You can use a larger salt or a stronger hashing algorithm if you prefer. But at minimum, I would use something like the above.


08-20 07:17