


我得到他们,但基本上,如果我遵循第一个实现一个自定义类到实体从哪个类代表子项也继承 -statement,那么我所有的实体将被放在同一个表中。这可能会导致性能问题,根据注意




没有矛盾。该文档只是告诉您使用某个设施时数据库结构将会是什么。 (而且它是用于继承的标准数据库表成语。)使用实体继承机制自动声明并实现默认的父 - 子类继承功能以及父表。否则你手工执行任何父子类的继承声明和实现。每个都具有一定的性能和其他特点。

设计涉及多个维度之间的成本和收益之间的权衡。 性能本身涉及多个维度,在给定的应用程序使用模式之外没有任何意义。其他与此相关的维度包括构建和维护的复杂性。


I just started reading this guide: https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CoreData/KeyConcepts.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40001075-CH30-SW1

And it basically has (in my opinion) two big contradictions:

I get them both, but basically, if I follow the first "implement a custom class to the entity from which classes representing subentities also inherit"-statement, then ALL my entities will be put in the same table. Which could cause performance issues, according to the NOTE.

How big of a performance hit would I run into of it create a "custom super entity"?


You can use the inheritance mechanism to get a default database structure. From your link:

There is no contradiction. The documentation is just telling you what the database structure is going to be when you use a certain facility. (And it is the standard database table idiom for inheritance.) Using the entity inheritance mechanism automatically declares and implements default parent-child class inheritance functionality along with a parent table. Otherwise you do any parent-child class inheritance declaration and implementation by hand. Each comes with certain performance and other characteristics.

Design involves tradeoffs between costs and benefits over multiple dimensions. "Performance" itself involves multiple dimensions, and has no meaning outside of given application usage patterns. Other dimensions relevant here include complexity of both construction and maintenance.

If you query about entities as parents sufficiently frequently then it can be better to have all parent data in its own table. But if you sufficiently rarely ask for the parent data while querying about a given child type or if you sufficiently frequently need both child and parent data then it can be better to only have parent data in the child tables or table. But notice that each design performs worse at the other kind of query.


08-14 12:51