


I have trouble with django model migrations.I have some models in my app, and I already have some data inside.When I added some models in my application, and I run makemigrations, the app report that there is no change.I know that sometimes some errors came when migrate, so I delete django_migrations table in my database and run makemigrations again, and now program found my new fields.

现在的问题是,如果我运行migrate系统,请告诉我某些表已经存在. (没关系,没错,因为他们知道).我不想删除这些表,因为我已经有数据了.

The problem now is that if I run migrate system tell me that some tables already exist. (Which is ok and correct, because they do). I don't want to delete those tables, because I have data already inside.

我无法运行migrate --fake,因为程序会认为我已经拥有所有个表,这是不正确的.

I can't run migrate --fake, because program will think that I already have all the tables, which is not true.

因此,我正在寻找一种告诉程序的方法:如果表存在,请运行迁移. (--fake它)

So, I am looking for a way to tell the program : run migration, if table exist skip it. (--fake it)


Another question is why is this happening to me, that makemigrations don't recognise my changes (some cache problems,...)?




(Skip this step if you have already have migration file ready)


It will create migrations for that package lets say with a name like 0001_initial.py


Edit the file manually so that you delete all models there except that was already created in database.


Now you do a fake migration. This will sync your database with models.


Then run makemigrations again to have rest of the tables created along with a new migration file.


Regarding your other question, Why makemigrations didn't recogonize your models can be because of reasons like:

  1. 这些更改的迁移已存在于某些迁移文件中.
  2. 您错过了在INSTALLED_APPS中提及package_name的事情,但我相信您是在这里完成的.


07-22 18:37