我在 EF5 中有一个代码优先实体模型.但我想手动管理数据库更改——我不希望 EF 修改我现有的数据库及其所有数据.但是当我在 EF 映射和数据库中进行并行更改时,EF 拒绝正确操作,告诉我我需要使用代码优先迁移.如何关闭此功能?
I have a code-first entity model in EF5. But I want to manage the database changes manually -- I do not want EF to modify my existing database and all its data. But when I make parallel changes in the EF mapping and in the database, EF refuses to operate properly telling me I need to use code first migration. How do I turn this off?
将 Database.SetInitializer 设置为 null.
set the Database.SetInitializer to null.
public class DatabaseContext: DbContext
//the base accepts the name of the connection string provided in the web.config as a parameter
public DatabaseContext()
: base("DatabaseContext")
//disable initializer