pre $ postalcodes / {{postalcode}} / {{userId}} = true
ex。 postalcodes / 21121 /
500x1000 = 500000
- 假设您只显示第一个屏幕节点。那将有多少个节点? 20?那么为什么你已经在这种情况下检索其他节点?我只是简单地检索构建第一个屏幕所需的节点,并在需要时加载剩下的节点。
- 或者我可以想象你显示节点的摘要(比如节点总数和每个邮政编码区域的平均值)。你需要所有的节点来确定摘要。但是,我很难把它看作是客户端应用程序的任务来确定摘要值。这是更多的服务器端任务。该服务器可以使用与客户端应用程序(即JavaScript API)相同的技术,但不会受到带宽和时间限制的困扰($)。 b
I'm creating an app where i will store users under all postalcodes/zipcodes they want to deliver to. The structure looks like this:
The reason for the structure is to easily fetch all users who delivers to a certain postal code.
ex. postalcodes/21121/
If all user applies like 500 postalcodes and the app has about 1000 users it can become alot of records:
500x1000 = 500000
Will firebase easily handle that many records in data storage, or should i consider a different approach / solution? What are your toughts?
Kind regards,Elias
解决方案I'm quite sure Firebase can return 500k nodes without a problem.
The bigger concerns are how long that retrieval will take (especially in this mobile-first era) and what your application will show your user based on that many nodes.
A list with 500k rows is hardly useful, so most likely you'll show a subset of the data.
- Say you just show the first screenful of nodes. How many nodes will that be? 20? So why would you already retrieve the other nodes already in that case? I'd simply retrieve the nodes needed to build the first screen and load the rest on demand - when/if needed.
- Alternatively I could imagine you show a digest of the nodes (like a total number of nodes and maybe some averages per zip code area). You'd need all nodes to determine that digest. But I'd hardly consider it to task of a client application to determine the digest values. That's more something of a server-side task. That server could use the same technology as client-apps (i.e. the JavaScript API), but it wouldn't be bothered (as much) by bandwidth and time constraints.
Just some ideas of how I would approach this, so ymmv.