我使用centOS服务器.我想配置 apache 以侦听端口 8079.我在 httpd.conf
中添加了 LISTEN 8079 指令.
我在 iptables 中打开了 8079 端口并重新启动了 iptables.我什至停止了 iptables 服务.
I use centOS server. I want to configure apache to listen on port 8079.I added LISTEN 8079 directive in httpd.conf
I opened port 8079 in iptables and restarted iptables. I even stopped iptables service.
"netstat -nal | grep 8079" shows "tcp 0 0 :::8079 :::* LISTEN"
如果我尝试从那台机器访问 http://localhost:8079
或 http://myserver.com:8079
,我可以访问该页面.但是从任何其他机器上,我无法通过 80 以外的任何端口访问该站点.在端口 80 上,它可以工作.在端口 8079 上没有.
If I try to access http://localhost:8079
or http://myserver.com:8079
from that machine, I can access that page. BUT from any other machine I am not able to access the site on any port other than 80. On port 80, it works. On port 8079 it does not.
这是一个防火墙问题.有一个硬件防火墙阻止了对几乎所有端口的访问.(关闭软件防火墙/SELinux bla bla没有效果)
It was a firewall issue. There was a hardware firewall that was blocking access to almost all ports. (Turning off software firewall / SELinux bla bla had no effect)
Then I scanned the open ports and used the port that was open.
If you are facing the same problem, Run the following command
sudo nmap -T Aggressive -A -v -p 1-65000
It will scan for all the open ports on your system. Any port that is open can be accessed from outside.