本文介绍了Tornado websocket 处理程序,self.close() 正在关闭连接而不触发 on_close() 方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 (python, stackoverflow, tornado) 的新手,所以请耐心等待 :).纠正我.

im new at (python, stackoverflow, tornado) , so please, be patient :). Correct me.

我正在实时应用程序上使用 Tornado.当我在 Websocket 处理程序类中调用 self.close() 时,没有启动 on_close 方法,这次我做了一个小包装,解决了问题并(例如)丢弃了连接的代理(纯 avascript wss api 客户端)正确.

Im working with tornado on a real-time app. When i call self.close() inside the Websocket handler class , the on_close method is not fired up , for this time i did a little wrapper , fixing the problem and (for example) discarding that connected agent (pure avascript wss api client) correctly.

所有网络问题都被丢弃了,因为我糟糕的包装器运行良好,而且我在 LAN 环境中.

All network problems are discarded , since my poor wrapper is working nicely and im in a LAN enviroment.


is someone having the same problem ? I cant sleep without an explanation.


## imports and other stuff

AGENTS = set()

class BackofficeWSSRailMain(tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):

     def on_open(self):

     def on_message(self,raw_message):
       login = function_that_process_login(json_msg)

       if login == True:
          self.close()         ### this part should fireup
                               ### the on_close method but nothing
                               ### happens so AGENT is not discarded.
                               ### here is when i actually call on_close_wrapper(),
                               ### the method below.

     def on_close_wrapper(self):

       self.close()            ### this is my actual solution ,
                               ### waiting for more research.

     def on_close(self):


   ## Calling ioloop ...


self.on_close 当且仅当客户端关闭它的 websocket 连接端时才会执行.试试看:如果您打开包含连接到您的服务器的 Javascript 客户端的网页,然后关闭该页面,on_close 将运行.如果您在服务器代码中调用 self.closeon_close 不应运行.

self.on_close is executed if and only if the client closes its side of the websocket connection. Try it: If you open a web page that contains a Javascript client which connects to your server, then you close the page, on_close will run. on_close is not supposed to run if you call self.close in your server code.

您的包装器是您问题的合理解决方案;也就是说,这是一种合理的方式,可以确保在您调用 self.close 或客户端断开连接时运行相同的代码.

Your wrapper is a reasonable solution to your problem; that is, it's a reasonable way to ensure that the same code runs either when you call self.close or when the client disconnects.

这篇关于Tornado websocket 处理程序,self.close() 正在关闭连接而不触发 on_close() 方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 11:20