

我试图复制Pieter Jaspers提出的关于将表单从UIApp转换为HTML的问题。原始问题是:


 <! - 使用模板化HTML打印scriptlet导入常用样式表。 - > 
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Stylesheet')。getContent(); ?>
< html>
< body>
< div>
< span class =grey>< b> ProReactive Log Form v3.0.74< / b>< / span>
< h4>完成所有栏位以确保表格已成功处理< / h4>
< div class =block>
< div class =inline form-group>
< label form =date>日期< / label>
< input type =dateid =datestyle =width:125px;>
< / div>
< / div>
< / div>
< button class =shareonclick =runGoogleScript()>提交< / button>
< / body>
< / html>

< script>
alert('was successful'+ argReturnValue);
Document.getElementById(date)。value =;

logger.log('v3.0.74 ran!');
var inputValue = document.getElementById(date)。value;

< / script>



return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('myForm')


var ssKey ='1cZuEMDrIyzIFm4lGCT20s-Wpv27o0hbbZAsxD1WJFL8';

var SS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssKey);
var Sheet = SS.getSheetByName('LOG');
Sheet.getRange(Sheet.getLastRow()+ 1,1,1).setValue(argPassedInName);







I am trying to replicate a question posed by Pieter Jaspers regarding a conversion of a form from UIApp to HTML. The original question is:

Original question by Pieter Jaspars answered by Sandy Good

If I replicate the code exactly I get the correct result, but when I try to recreate my inline form and amalgamate the two I am not getting a result. The inline form question is here:

HTML inline form formatting question answered by Mogsdad

The code I have so far is in the requisite number of parts, a form and two .gs sheets. I have checked for spelling mistakes and I have tried editing out each line to see what and where I get, but with my limited experience I am drawing a blank. The only minor success is if I run the function InsertInSS() from within the code editor. This posts the word "undefined" in the correct cell in the correct spreadsheet, but not the date as I am trying to do!


<!-- Use a templated HTML printing scriptlet to import common stylesheet. -->
<?!= HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Stylesheet').getContent(); ?>
  <!-- Page header title & 'completion warning -->
  <span class="grey"><b>ProReactive Log Form v3.0.74</b></span>
  <h4>Complete ALL fields to ensure the form is processed successfully</h4>
  <div class="block">
  <!-- First input box created -->
  <div class="inline form-group">
  <label form="date">Date</label>
  <input type="date" id="date" style="width: 125px;">
  <!-- End of fields for completion, finish form with submission button -->
  <button class="share" onclick="runGoogleScript()">submit</button>

  function onSuccess(argReturnValue){
      alert('was successful ' +argReturnValue);
      //ResetFields on Screen
      Document.getElementById("date").value = "";

  function runGoogleScript() {
      logger.log('v3.0.74 ran!');
      var inputValue = document.getElementById("date").value;


The Code.gs:

function doGet(e) {

  return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('myForm')

and the seperate.gs:

function InsertInSS(argPassedInName) {
  var ssKey = '1cZuEMDrIyzIFm4lGCT20s-Wpv27o0hbbZAsxD1WJFL8';

  var SS = SpreadsheetApp.openById(ssKey);
  var Sheet = SS.getSheetByName('LOG');


Any ideas where I am going wrong? All help as ever, greatly appreciated.


An Apps script HTML App, will not allow a date object to be passed to the server.

google.script.run Parameter Documentation

The documentation states:

You will need to pass the date as a string. Convert the date to a string in client side code, and convert it back to a date, if need be, in the server code. However, even if you set the value in the spreadsheet as a string, it may get coerced back into a date without you needing to do anything. Especially if you have that column defined as a date in the spreadsheet.


07-23 16:32