

是否可以按照定义的在此放入定义为距离矩阵 /Distance_matrix#Examples_and_uses"rel =" nofollow noreferrer>此处其中每个链接的单位长度为1?

Is it possible to convert an adjacency matrix of ones and zeros as defined here into a distance matrix as defined here where each link would be of unit length 1?



An adjacency matrix of ones and zeros is simply a representation of an undirected graph. To get the distances between any two vertices of an unweighted graph, you can use breadth first search.

假设您有一个n by n矩阵:

Assuming you have an n by n matrix:

for each vertex i:
    initialize an nxn matrix M
    run breadth-first search starting at i
    copy distances into row i of M
    return M


09-03 10:42