


What is the recommended animated model format that a game programmer would load in OpenGL?


I have taken a look at .md2 and .3ds formats available at some OpenGL tutorials. However, it would appear that they are both fairly old. Is there any well-supported model format that a contemporary game programmer would prefer?


如果您是初学者,则可能应该从这些格式开始. (或者MD3,可能是MD2之后的MD3.)较新的3D格式通常不会通过客观地更好地取代旧的3D格式,而是通常通过支持更复杂的功能来取代旧的3D格式.我建议您选择一种复杂的格式,以免给自己带来麻烦.

If you're a beginner, you should probably start with those formats. (Or maybe MD3, which comes after MD2.) Newer 3D formats don't typically supercede old ones by being objectively better, but usually by supporting more complex features. I'd recommend not making life difficult for yourself by picking a complex format.

如果您不是初学者,那么您可能不会问这个问题. ;)专业开发人员通常具有特定于他们使用的引擎的定制模型类型.

If you're not a beginner, then you probably wouldn't be asking this question. ;) Professional developers usually have a bespoke model type that is specific to the engine they're using.


If you have specific requirements for your models then it's possible that there exists a model format that fits your needs, but MD2 and MD3 worked fine for commercial games so they'll probably work fine for you too. Generally you should approach this from the other side - what sort of models can my artists create, or what sort of models can I obtain? What format are they in? Can I use that format?


10-27 20:12