

我见过这个应该如何与旧的答案 DefaultHttpClient   但有没有一个很好的例子,<$c$c>HttpURLConnection

我用的HttpURLConnection 来发出请求到Web应用程序。在我的Andr​​oid应用程序的开始,我用 CookieHandler.setDefault(新CookieManager())来自动处理会话cookie,这是工作的罚款。

I'm using HttpURLConnection to make requests to a web application. At the start of the my Android application, I use CookieHandler.setDefault(new CookieManager()) to automatically deal with the session cookies, and this is working fine.

在登录后的某个时刻,我想告诉从Web应用程序活页,使用的WebView用户,而不是下载的幕后数据的HttpURLConnection 。不过,我想用同一个会话我早些时候成立,prevent用户不必重新登录。

At some point after the login, I want to show live pages from the web application to the user with a WebView instead of downloading data behind the scenes with HttpURLConnection. However, I want to use the same session I established earlier to prevent the user from having to login again.

我如何从 java.net.CookieManager 复制饼干使用的HttpURLConnection android.webkit.CookieManager 使用的WebView 这样我就可以共享会话?

How do I copy the cookies from java.net.CookieManager used by HttpURLConnection to android.webkit.CookieManager used by WebView so I can share the session?


DefaultHttpClient 相比,有一些额外的步骤。关键的区别是如何访问现有的cookie的的HttpURLConnection

As compared with DefaultHttpClient, there are a few extra steps. The key difference is how to access the existing cookies in HTTPURLConnection:

  1. 呼叫 CookieHandler.getDefault()并把结果转换 java.net.CookieManager
  2. 通过cookie管理器,通话 getCookieStore()访问cookie存储区。
  3. 通过cookie存储,调用的get()来访问cookie的列表中给定的 URI
  1. Call CookieHandler.getDefault() and cast the result to java.net.CookieManager.
  2. With the cookie manager, call getCookieStore() to access the cookie store.
  3. With the cookie store, call get() to access the list of cookies for the given URI.


Here's a complete example:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // Get cookie manager for WebView
    // This must occur before setContentView() instantiates your WebView
    android.webkit.CookieSyncManager webCookieSync =
    android.webkit.CookieManager webCookieManager =

    // Get cookie manager for HttpURLConnection
    java.net.CookieStore rawCookieStore = ((java.net.CookieManager)

    // Construct URI
    java.net.URI baseUri = null;
    try {
        baseUri = new URI("http://www.example.com");
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        // Handle invalid URI

    // Copy cookies from HttpURLConnection to WebView
    List<HttpCookie> cookies = rawCookieStore.get(baseUri);
    String url = baseUri.toString();
    for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {
        String setCookie = new StringBuilder(cookie.toString())
            .append("; domain=").append(cookie.getDomain())
            .append("; path=").append(cookie.getPath())
        webCookieManager.setCookie(url, setCookie);

    // Continue with onCreate


09-05 12:08