

我想实现的Prolog迷宫求解算法。因此,我搜索了一些迷宫求解算法,发现如下: HTTP://www.cs .bu.edu /教育/ ALG /迷宫/

I want to implement a maze solving algorithm in Prolog. Therefore i searched for some maze solving algorithms and found the following: http://www.cs.bu.edu/teaching/alg/maze/


FIND-PATH(x, y):

if (x,y outside maze) return false
if (x,y is goal) return true
if (x,y not open) return false
mark x,y as part of solution path
if (FIND-PATH(North of x,y) == true) return true
if (FIND-PATH(East of x,y) == true) return true
if (FIND-PATH(South of x,y) == true) return true
if (FIND-PATH(West of x,y) == true) return true
unmark x,y as part of solution path
return false

我已经建立一个矩阵的序言,从而重新presents一个迷宫,其中0是开放的,1是墙壁,例如(起始位置将是(2 | 1),目标位于(4 | 1)):

I already build a matrix in prolog, which represents a maze and where 0 is open and 1 is the wall, for example (starting position would be (2|1) and the goal is located at (4|1)):


更进一步我定义了一个名为条款 mazeDataAt(Coord_X,Coord_Y,MazeData,结果),这使我在一定的位置矩阵的值。

Further more i defined a clause named mazeDataAt(Coord_X, Coord_Y, MazeData, Result), which gives me the value of the matrix on a certain position.


So far. But now i have a problem implementing that algorithm in prolog. I already tried "the dirty way" (translate it one by one by use of nested if statements), but that escalated complexity and i don't think it's the way you do it in prolog.


isNotGoal(X, Y) :-
    X = 19, Y = 2.

notOpen(X, Y, MazeData) :-
    mazeDataAt(X, Y, MazeData, 1).

findPath(X, Y, MazeData) :-
    isNotGoal(X, Y),
    notOpen(X, Y, MazeData),
    increase(Y, Y_New),
    findPath(X, Y_New, MazeData),
    increase(X, X_New),
    findPath(X_New, Y, MazeData),
    decrease(Y, Y_New),
    findPath(X, Y_New, MazeData),
    decrease(X, X_New),
    findPath(X, Y_New, MazeData).


But this attempt didn't work like expected.


Actually, is this a correct prolog implementation of the algorithm above?How can i see if this approach really finds a path through the maze?Therefore how can i record the path or get the solution path (what is done by marking / unmarking the path in the algorithm above)?



Thanks to your answers! I adopted a more prolog like solution (see here) to solve my problem. So i now have:

d([2,1], [2,2]).
d([2,2], [1,2]).
d([2,2], [2,3]).

go(From, To, Path) :-
go(From, To, [], Path).

go(P, P, T, T).
go(P1, P2, T, NT) :-
    (d(P1, P3) ; d(P3, P2)),
    \+ member(P3, T),
    go(P3, P2, [P3|T], NT).


So far, this works. And i think i understand why the prolog way is much better.But now i have a small problem left.

我希望我的知识基础是动态的。我不能定义为在迷宫中的每一个航路点的所有边缘。因此,我写了一个名为条款 is_adjacent([X1,Y1],[X2,Y2])这是真实的,当 [X1,Y1] 是 [x2,y2] 。

I want my knowledge base be "dynamic". I can't define all the edges for every single waypoint in the maze. Therefore i wrote a clause named is_adjacent([X1, Y1], [X2, Y2]) which is true when [X1, Y1] is a neighbor of [X2, Y2].

我也有一个List 航点= [[2,1],[2,2] | ...] 包含在我的迷宫中所有可能的航点。

I also have a list Waypoints = [[2, 1], [2, 2]| ...] which contains all possible waypoints in my maze.


Now the question: How can i use this to make my knowledge base "dynamic"? So that i can use it in the go clause for finding the path?



Ok, now i got all waypoints as facts:

w(2, 1).
w(2, 2).


I took the solution from Boris in one of his answers:

d(X0, Y0, X , Y) :-
    w(X0, Y0),
    next_w(X0, Y0, X, Y),
    w(X, Y).

next_w(X0, Y0, X0, Y) :- Y is Y0 + 1.
next_w(X0, Y0, X0, Y) :- Y is Y0 - 1.
next_w(X0, Y0, X, Y0) :- X is X0 + 1.
next_w(X0, Y0, X, Y0) :- X is X0 - 1.


After that, I updated the go clause, so that it fits:

go(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Path) :-
go(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, [], Path).

go(X, Y, X, Y, T, T).
go(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, T, NT) :-
   (d(X1, Y1, X3, Y3) ; d(X3, Y3, X1, Y1)),
\+ member([X3, Y3], T),
go(X3, Y3, X2, Y2, [[X3, Y3]|T], NT).


But if i try to ask go(2, 1, 19, 2, R) prolog enters an infinite loop. If i try something easier like go(2, 1, 3, 8, R) it works and i get the solution path in R.


What am i doing wrong? What did i forget?



(this answer uses the same path finding algorithm as this answer)



Indeed, if your input is just which cells of the rectangular matrix are not walls, you would need to somehow translate this to rules of the kind "you can get from A to B". If your waypoints are then:



etc, then you can translate the algorithm you originally pointed to into a Prolog rule like this:

% it is possible to move from (X0,Y0) to (X,Y)
d(X0,Y0,X,Y) :-
    w(X0,X0), % you can skip this check if you know for sure
              % that your starting point is a valid waypoint
              % or if you want to be able to start from inside
              % a wall :)
% neighboring waypoints
next_w(X0,Y0,X0,Y) :- Y is Y0+1. % go up I guess
next_w(X0,Y0,X0,Y) :- Y is Y0-1. % go down
next_w(X0,Y0,X,Y0) :- X is X0+1. % go left
next_w(X0,Y0,X,Y0) :- X is X0-1. % go right


  1. 在我使用从一个方形的可能的行动4论证规则(因此相应调整)
  2. 魔术在 next_w 发生。当 D 被调用,它使用了 next_w 生成四种可能的邻居方块(假设你只能去向上/向下/左/右),然后检查此方是否确实是一个航点。你不会需要任何更多的检查两种方式。
  1. I am using a 4-argument rule for the possible moves from a square (so adjust accordingly)
  2. The magic happens in next_w. When d is called, it uses next_w to generate the four possible neighbor squares (assuming you can only go up/down/left/right) and then checks whether this square is indeed a waypoint. You would not need to check both ways any more.


w(0,1). w(1,1). w(2,1). w(3,1). w(4,1). w(5,1).
        w(1,2).         w(3,2).         w(5,2).
        w(1,3).         w(3,3).         w(5,3).
w(0,4). w(1,4). w(2,4).         w(4,4). w(5,4).
                w(2,5). w(3,5). w(4,5).

d(X0,Y0,X,Y) :- next_w(X0,Y0,X,Y), w(X,Y).
next_w(X0,Y0,X0,Y) :- Y is Y0+1.
next_w(X0,Y0,X,Y0) :- X is X0+1.
next_w(X0,Y0,X0,Y) :- Y is Y0-1.
next_w(X0,Y0,X,Y0) :- X is X0-1.

go(X0,Y0,X,Y,SoFar,Path) :-
    \+ memberchk( w(X1,Y1), SoFar ),


? go(0,0,5,4,[],Path).


and you should get the two possible solutions.


In other words, I think your problem is the semicolon; it is no longer necessary, because you explicitly create all possible moves.


09-05 08:44