try {
Path phdfs_input = new Path(hdfs:// master:54310 / user / hduser / conninput /+ value.toString());
路径plocal_input = new Path(/ home / hduser / Desktop /+ avlue.toString());
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration());
$ b / * String localoutput_file =/ home / hduser / Destop / output /+ value.toString();
String cmd1 [] = {mafia,-mfi,.5,-ascii,〜/ Desktop /+ value.toString(),localoutput_file};
文件mafia_dir =新文件(/ home / hduser /);
ShellCommandExecutor s = new ShellCommandExecutor(cmd1,mafia_dir); * /
} catch(Exception e){
尝试使用<$ c $在路径
构造函数中使用c> /user/hduser/conninput/+ value.toString(),而不是提供 master:54310
中找出 master:54310
/ p>
I am trying to copy files from HDFS to local filesystem for preprocessing. The below code should work according to the documentation. Although it doesn't give any error messages and the mapreduce job runs smoothly I can not see any output on my local hard drive. What do you think the problem is? Thanks.
try {
Path phdfs_input = new Path("hdfs://master:54310/user/hduser/conninput/"+value.toString());
Path plocal_input = new Path("/home/hduser/Desktop/"+avlue.toString());
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(context.getConfiguration());
fs.copyToLocalFile(phdfs_input, plocal_input);
/* String localoutput_file = "/home/hduser/Destop/output/"+value.toString();
String cmd1[] = {"mafia", "-mfi", ".5", "-ascii", "~/Desktop/"+value.toString(), localoutput_file };
File mafia_dir = new File("/home/hduser/");
ShellCommandExecutor s = new ShellCommandExecutor(cmd1, mafia_dir);*/
} catch (Exception e) {
Try using /user/hduser/conninput/"+value.toString()
in the Path
constructor instead of providing the master:54310
part. It should figure out master:54310
from the Configuration