



To be more specific, I need to be able to do the following:

  • 使用基数为36的正N位数字(例如,数字为0-9 A-Z)

  • Operate on positive N-digit numbers in base 36 (e.g. digits are 0-9 A-Z)


N is finite, say 9


Provide basic arithmetic, at the very least the following 3:

  • 加法(A + B)

  • Addition (A+B)



Whole division, e.g. floor(A/B).


Strictly speaking, I don't really need a base10 conversion ability - the numbers will 100% of time be in base36. So I'm quite OK if the solution does NOT implement conversion from base36 back to base10 and vice versa.

我不太在乎解决方案是蛮力地转换为base 10然后返回"还是转换为二进制,还是更优雅的方法自然地"执行baseN操作(如上所述,到/从base10转换)不是必需的).我唯一的三个注意事项是:

I don't much care whether the solution is brute-force "convert to base 10 and back" or converting to binary, or some more elegant approach "natively" performing baseN operations (as stated above, to/from base10 conversion is not a requirement). My only 3 considerations are:

  1. 符合上述最低要求

  1. It fits the minimum specifications above


It's "standard". Currently we're using and old homegrown module based on base10 conversion done by hand that is buggy and sucks.


I'd much rather replace that with some commonly used CPAN solution instead of re-writing my own bicycle from scratch, but I'm perfectly capable of building it if no better standard possibility exists.


It must be fast-ish (though not lightning fast). Something that takes 1 second to sum up 2 9-digit base36 numbers is worse than anything I can roll on my own :)


P.S. Just to provide some context in case people decide to solve my XY problem for me in addition to answering the technical question above :)


We have a fairly large tree (stored in DB as a bunch of edges), and we need to superimpose order on a subset of that tree. The tree dimentions are big both depth- and breadth- wise. The tree is VERY actively updated (inserts and deletes and branch moves).

目前,这是通过使用第二个表包含3列来完成的:parent_vertex, child_vertex, local_order,其中local_order是由A-Z0-9组成的9个字符的字符串(例如,基数为36的数字).

This is currently done by having a second table with 3 columns: parent_vertex, child_vertex, local_order, where local_order is an 9-character string built of A-Z0-9 (e.g. base 36 number).


  • 要求每个孩子的本地顺序是唯一的(显然每个家长是唯一的),

  • It is required that the local order is unique per child (and obviously unique per parent),

对父级进行任何完全重新排序都比较昂贵,因此,实现方法是尝试为具有X个子级的父级分配在0到36 ** 10-之间分配的订单. 1,因此几乎没有树插入会导致完全重新排序.

Any complete re-ordering of a parent is somewhat expensive, and thus the implementation is to try and assign - for a parent with X children - the orders which are somewhat evenly distributed between 0 and 36**10-1, so that almost no tree inserts result in a full re-ordering.


Math :: Base36 ?


08-29 05:20