


  angular.module('myServices',[])。    工厂('BasicService',函数($ HTTP){
        VAR some_arg =ABCD
        VAR BasicService = {
            method_one:功能(ARG = some_arg){/ * code的方法一* /},
            method_two:功能(ARG = some_arg){/ * code的方法二* /},
            method_three:功能(ARG = some_arg){/ * code的方法三* /},

现在我想要定义从上面延伸 BasicService ,这样我可以使用从我的扩展服务的BasicService下定义的方法扩展服务。也许是这样的:

 厂('ExtendedService',函数($ HTTP){
        变种ExtendedService = BasicService();
        ExtendedService ['method_four'] =功能(){/ * code的方法四* /}


ExtendedService 应注入 BasicService 中为了能够访问它。在那旁边 BasicService 是一个对象字面,所以你不能真正把它作为函数( BasicService())。

  .factory('ExtendedService',函数($ HTTP,BasicService){
  BasicService ['method_four'] =函数(){};

I am fairly new to angularjs and am not able to find any documentation or examples for this. What I am looking to do is to extend a basic service so that i can use the methods defined under the basic service from other services. So for example say i have a basic service as follows.

angular.module('myServices', []).

    factory('BasicService', function($http){
        var some_arg = 'abcd'
        var BasicService = {
            method_one: function(arg=some_arg){ /*code for method one*/},
            method_two: function(arg=some_arg){ /*code for method two*/},
            method_three: function(arg=some_arg){ /*code for method three*/},
        return BasicService;

Now i want to define an Extended service that extends from the above BasicService so that i can use methods defined under the BasicService from my extended service. Maybe something like:

    factory('ExtendedService', function($http){
        var ExtendedService = BasicService();
        ExtendedService['method_four'] = function(){/* code for method four */}
        return ExtendedService;

Your ExtendedServiceshould inject the BasicServicein order to be able to access it. Beside that BasicService is an object literal, so you can't actually call it as function (BasicService()).

.factory('ExtendedService', function($http, BasicService){
  BasicService['method_four'] = function(){};
  return BasicService;


08-29 03:15