

我有 Java 背景,而且我是 Python 新手.在继续之前,我想确保我正确理解 Python 术语.

I have background in Java and I am new to Python. I want to make sure I understand correctly Python terminology before I go ahead.

我对模块的理解是:一个可以被很多脚本导入的脚本,让阅读更容易.就像在 Java 中一样,您有一个类,并且该类可以被许多其他类导入.

My understanding of a module is: a script which can be imported by many scripts, to make reading easier. Just like in java you have a class, and that class can be imported by many other classes.


My understanding of a library is: A library contains many modules which are separated by its use.


My question is: Are libraries like packages, where you have a package e.g. called food, then:

  • 巧克力.py
  • sweet.py
  • biscuts.py

是否包含在 food 包中?


Or do libraries use packages, so if we had another package drink:

  • 牛奶.py
  • juice.py

包含在包中.library 包含两个包?

contained in the package. The library contains two packages?

此外,应用程序编程接口 (API) 通常包含一组位于层次结构顶部的库:

Also, an application programming interface (API) usually contains a set of libraries is this at the top of the hierarchy:

  1. API
  2. 图书馆
  3. 包装
  4. 模块
  5. 脚本

所以一个 API 将包含 2-5 个?

So an API will consist off all from 2-5?


来自 Python 教程 - 模块

  • 模块:

模块是包含 Python 定义和语句的文件.文件名是附加后缀 .py 的模块名称.

  • 包装:

    包是一种通过使用带点的模块名称"来构建 Python 模块命名空间的方法.

  • 如果您阅读了关于 import 语句的文档,则会提供更多详细信息,例如:

    If you read the documentation for the import statement gives more details, for example:

    Python只有一种模块对象,所有模块都是这种类型,无论模块是用 Python、C 还是别的东西.帮助组织模块并提供命名层次结构,Python 有包的概念.


    You can think of packages as the directories on a file system and modules as files within directories, but don’t take this analogy too literally since packages and modules need not originate from the file system. For the purposes of this documentation, we’ll use this convenient analogy of directories and files. Like file system directories, packages are organized hierarchically, and packages may themselves contain subpackages, as well as regular modules.

    重要的是要记住所有的包都是模块,但不是所有模块都是包.或者换句话说,包只是一个特殊类型的模块.具体来说,任何包含__path__ 属性被认为是一个包.

    It’s important to keep in mind that all packages are modules, but not all modules are packages. Or put another way, packages are just a special kind of module. Specifically, any module that contains a __path__ attribute is considered a package.

    因此术语 module 指的是一个特定的实体:它是一个类,其实例是您在 Python 程序中使用的 module 对象.以此类推,它还用于指代创建"这些实例的文件系统中的文件.

    Hence the term module refers to a specific entity: it's a class whose instances are the module objects you use in python programs. It is also used, by analogy, to refer to the file in the file system from which these instances "are created".

    术语 script 用于指代要执行其目标的模块.它与程序"或应用程序"具有相同的含义,但它通常用于描述简单的小程序(即最多几百行的单个文件).编写脚本需要几分钟或几个小时.

    The term script is used to refer to a module whose aim is to be executed. It has the same meaning as "program" or "application", but it is usually used to describe simple and small programs(i.e. a single file with at most some hundreds of lines). Writing a script takes minutes or few hours.


    The term library is simply a generic term for a bunch of code that was designed with the aim of being usable by many applications. It provides some generic functionality that can be used by specific applications.


    When a module/package/something else is "published" people often refer to it as a library. Often libraries contain a package or multiple related packages, but it could be even a single module.


    Libraries usually do not provide any specific functionality, i.e. you cannot "run a library".

    API 可以根据上下文具有不同的含义.例如:

    The API can have different meanings depending on the context. For example:

    • 它可以定义像 DB API缓冲协议.
    • 它可以定义如何与应用程序交互(例如 Python/C API)
    • 当与库/包相关时,它只是该库为其功能(一组函数/类/常量等)提供的接口

    无论如何,API 不是 python 代码.这是一个或多或少正式的描述.

    In any case an API is not python code. It's a description which may be more or less formal.


    08-28 07:08