本文介绍了Flask JWT在每个请求上扩展令牌的有效性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


已登录的用户的令牌有效期为24小时.在此期间内,所有使用@jwt_required装饰器的请求将 current 访问令牌的有效期再延长24小时.最长有效期为168(24 * 7)小时.

A logged in user will have a token expiry of 24 hours. Within that period, all request with @jwt_required decorator will have the current access token's expiry extended by another 24 hours. There is a maximum validity of 168(24 * 7) hours.


It is possible to use access_token and refresh_token.

ret = {
        'access_token': create_access_token(identity=username, fresh=True),
        'refresh_token': create_refresh_token(identity=username)


But that means every API call from my applicatino will be two requests:1. Actual HTTP Request2. Refresh the auth token

@app.route('/refresh', methods=['POST'])
def refresh():
    current_user = get_jwt_identity()
    ret = {
        'access_token': create_access_token(identity=current_user)
    return jsonify(ret), 200


Is there a way to implicitly extend an auth token?



Author of flask-jwt-extended here. Technically you cannot actually extend a token, you can only replace it with a new JWT that has a new expires time. There are a few ways you could simulate this though.

首先,您可以让服务器本身仅在每次请求时隐式发送回新令牌,而不是让客户端请求新令牌.您可以将新的JWT发送回标头而不是JSON有效负载中,这样您就不必修改JSON数据即可解决新JWT的可能性.但是,您的客户将需要意识到这一点,他们需要在每个请求中检查该新标头,并用新的JWT替换其当前的JWT.您可能可以使用flask after_request方法来执行此操作,因此您不必将该功能添加到所有端点.将JWT存储在cookie中时,可以实现类似的效果,不同之处在于cookie是自动存储在浏览器中的(因此您的客户端不必在每个请求中都手动查找它们),并且CSRF更加复杂如果您选择此路线,则可以得到保护( http://flask-jwt-extended.阅读thedocs.io/en/latest/tokens_in_cookies.html ).

First, instead of having the client request a new token, you could have the server itself just implicitly send back a new token on every request. You could send the new JWTs back in a header instead of in the JSON payload, so that you wouldn't have to modify you JSON data to account for the possibility of a new JWT. Your clients would need to be aware of this though, they would need to check for that new header on every request and replace their current JWT with the new one if it is present. You could probably use a flask after_request method to do this, so you didn't have to add that functionality to all your endpoints. A similar effect could be achieved when storing the JWTs in cookies, with the differences being that cookies are automatically stored in your browser (so your client wouldn't have to manually look for them on every request), and with the added complexity of CSRF protection if you go this route (http://flask-jwt-extended.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tokens_in_cookies.html).


The above should work fine, but you will be creating a lot of access tokens that are thrown away right after being created, which probably isn't ideal. A variation of the above is to check if the token is near expiring (maybe if it is more then half way to being expired) and only create and return a new token if that is the case. Another variation of this would be to have the client check if the token is about to expire (via javascript) and if it is, use the refresh token to request a new access token. To do that, you would need to split the JWT on dots ('.'), base64 decode the second set of strings from that split (index 1), and grab the 'exp' data from there.


A second way you could do this is actually wait for a token to expire, and then use the refresh token to generate a new access token and remake the request (reactive instead of proactive). That might look like making a request, checking if the http code is 401, if so use the refresh token to generate a new access token, then making the request again.


这篇关于Flask JWT在每个请求上扩展令牌的有效性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-27 18:32