In a Mac application, I have a requirement to store the private key sent from the server for logged in user in a secure way and retrieve it back whenever needed programmatically. I know that keychain is the best place to store the private key. Is there any sample code available to achieve this?
I am able to add the private key to the keychain using "SecKeychainItemImport" method of "Security.framework" but having issues retrieving back the private key from the keychain. I have tried using "SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData" and "SecKeychainItemCopyContent" methods for getting private key back from the keychain. But no luck so far.
I have also read in blogs mentioning private key storage inside ".ssh" hidden folder. But I feel that storing the private key inside the keychain provides one more level of security so that someone else can not have an easy access to the private key.
钥匙串的一个目的是通过不将私有数据公开给应用程序来保护私钥.为防止意外暴露私钥,默认情况下,这些项目标记为CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE | CSSM_KEYATTR_SENSITIVE
One purpose of the Keychain is to keep private keys protected by not exposing their data to the application. To prevent accidentally exposing a private key, these items are flagged CSSM_KEYATTR_EXTRACTABLE | CSSM_KEYATTR_SENSITIVE
by default; i.e., it is only possible to get their data using SecKeychainItemExport
, and only in a passphrase-protected format.
安全性框架中有一些API,可以使用提供的密钥项对数据进行加密/解密/签名/验证等,而无需将原始密钥数据放在应用程序的地址空间中. (这些操作通常是由一个单独的特权进程完成的.)
There are APIs in the Security framework that encrypt/decrypt/sign/verify etc. data using a supplied key item without ever putting the raw key data in the application's address space. (These operations are normally done by a separate, privileged process.)
If for some reason you do need access to the private key's raw bits, you need to prepare for this at the time you import the private key to the keychain. You need to set keyAttributes
(i.e., without the sensitive bit) in the keyParams
parameter of SecKeychainItemImport